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Rose's POV:

"Hey Rose" I had called Seungmin on Facetime since I promised him I would and I could see that it was still early in the morning for him since we are seven hours in front of Seoul Korea. He had been up all night playing games with Felix and of course Felix was right next to him talking and goofing around like he always does but he always made it super cute.

"We miss you Rose" Felix said whisper shouting and smiling all big and goofy.

"I miss you guys too, today has been crazy but kinda fun I even got to try Boba today and now I'm at a photoshoot for Oliver and the boys." I faintly smiled and looked out the window and then back at the boys and they both just looked at me with concern and right then and there I knew that they could tell something was up with me.

"Alright tell me what happened? did Oliver say something to hurt you? or maybe did one of the guys offend you in some way? because if they did I will fly over there and beat them." Seungmin got in his protective mode and it made me smile and laugh just like it always does, he was always so protective of me because he knew I never stood up for myself as a kid.

"Nah the guys are really sweet and as for Oliver he never did anything to hurt me, there was one thing though that kind of bothered me today." I put a blank face on and Seungmin sat up in his seat and Felix had scoot closer to Seungmin and they both locked eyes on me and they got serious looks on their faces.

"What happened?" I felt bad because they looked worried and even though it was just something small it was still bothering me.

"There was this guy at the Boba shop... he asked me questions about why BlackPink split and even though this is what we all wanted I still miss it. There is apart of me that loved performing and making music but the other part of me wanted out of that JYP life and I just wanted to make a name for myself instead of being behind the JYP industries. It's still hard to talk about me and the girls splitting up to do our own thing because we were together for years and now we all went back to our homes except for me of course but still I'm so far from them and you guys. It's hard talking about leaving something that was in my life for so many years and I miss it sometimes and on top of it I'm starting to miss you guys a lot." When I look at the both of them they were really focused in on what I was saying and they understood how I felt but at the same time they would never know the pain I'm going through because of what people were doing to us.

"Everything is going to be alright Rose, you are a strong girl and there is nothing I'm worried about when it comes to you making a different name for yourself. Ever since we met you everything people thought about you in the industry was right, everyone said you were strong and that you had the passion for it all and that's what it took to be an idol." Seungmin put a smile on his face and tried to cheer me up and as usual it was working and I felt better about the whole BlackPink thing but there was still apart of me that wants to go back to that life.

"Guys I should probably go inside... Oliver will probably be wondering where I am, I miss you guys and I'll come visit soon. Love you guys" I wave to Felix and Seungmin and hang up, I took a deep breath and got out of the car heading inside the building where the boys were taking their photos and filming their YouTube video for the week.

"Hey Rose you finally decided to come inside, everything ok?" Ryan said looking at the door where I stood just looking around at the room.

"Yeah everything's ok, I just got off the phone with my mom so that way she would know that I'm here and that I was doing ok." I walked over and sat in the chair across from Ryan and he just looked at his phone not speaking a word, the guys said that Ryan was always the more quiet one whenever he was around other people beside the boys.

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