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PoV: Scourge

"Take me to the police station on Acorn Drive. I'm quitting my job as an officer today."


  I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Sonic? Quitting? It didn't sound like him at all.

"Wait what do you mean your quitting?" I grabbed his hand.

"What else would quitting mean? I haven't been reporting anything to the chief, not that he's asked for any reports. I haven't been to work in weeks. I haven't received any paychecks and..." he went quiet for a moment before looking away, "I'm just not the cop I thought I was going to be so might as well quit and focus on Miles."

  I pulled him into my arms. That brave look in his eyes when he shot at me during the turf battle that day. The only person to dare fire an attack directly at me. The only other time I saw that look in his eyes... was he he called me his husband in battle for the first time...

"Are you sure you want to quit before you can make your first arrest?" I raised his chin, "You know it wasn't too long ago you were trying every sneak attack you could to try and arrest me despite the deal."

"Oh right, the deal..." he seemed a bit anxious again. When we arrived Sonic left without me. He thought I may influence the Cheif's decision.

  He's not telling me something. I recalled Sonic's expression. If Something is wrong he should tell me.

"I'm not the cop I thought I would be..."

But how can I fix that?

PoV: Sonic

  This isn't what I meant by going in alone Scourge.

  Knuckles still had to follow me inside. I found everyone was busy as usual.

"Rookie? It's been weeks. We all thought you were gone for good this time," one of the other officers recognized me.

"I'm not staying long. I'm quitting today," I moved past them right into the Chief's office.

"He's quitting?!"

"What about the deal?"


  They were all listening in. I didn't care.

"Rookie?!" Chief jumped from his lounge office chair as I walked in, "I, I wasn't expecting you."

"I know," I sighed and took my badge from my purse. I need to do this... "I'm turning in my badge. I quit."

"You quit? You can't quit. Is this about your paychecks? I've already requested a raise for all your previous checks-"

"It's not the paychecks. I just... I'm not a real cop so... I should stop pretending. I'm still married to Scourge, so the deal still holds doesn't it?" I just wanted this to be over with.

"Well no. Then you wouldn't be our leverage against him. Scourge is a dangerous criminal who needs to be arrested once this is over. If you belong to us, we can take you from that bastard any time-"

"Don't be ridiculous. You as Chief, have never once gotten Scourge to so much as listen until he offered you this deal. Here," I threw my handcuffs onto his desk and left his office, "I'm done. No more undercover..."

No more gangs questioning me being a cop.

"Hey Rookie," Cheif called, "You will always be part of the team. And one more thing," he threw the cuffs and key back at me from across the hall, "Just in case, a citizen's arrest is still an arrest."

"Cheif you just gave away company property," an ex-coworker groaned.

"I'll cover it, relax."

"Sonic?" Knuckles placed a hand on my shoulder before I opened the car door, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I'm okay," I opened the door and Scourge pulled me into his arms, "Ah! Did you have to pull me in?"

"Of course. Knuckles bring us home," Scourge ordered as Knuckles shut my door and walked to the front seat.

  I didn't talk much on the way home. We only had a few hours before it was time for the dinner. Scourge told me to relax a little before we left.

"Did you have a good nap Miles? Yeah?" I wound up spending it with Tails. He slept so often, that I had to treasure him being awake and curious, "I can't wait until you are old enough to smile and laugh."


Scourge told me to take a bath and clean up about two hours before we were leaving. I had Miles next to me in a small infant bath with an appropriate temperature for him. Not hot like mine.

  I actually did it didn't I? I avoided that nightmare... I gave it all up... Even though it took a lot of work at first. Our marriage... it's not so scary. Sure I've been kidnapped, but he saved me. It's not like being shot at wasn't a part of basic training.

"Hey, Rosie," I called to her as I gently rubbed soap on Miles' belly, "Do you think Scourge would ever take me to work with him?"

"I doubt that. The Boss loves you too much to put you in danger. He wanted you to quit that officer job as soon as possible once you were married. You two had an argument about it the day you ran away and hid in the shed," Rosie's statement reminded me of that fight.

But... I couldn't really remember the fight well. All I could remember was the sound of raindrops on our tarp with the smell of rain and Scourge's wet fur. The cold wind against the warmth of his body. Then he took me away to the guest bedroom-

  I splashed my face with water, "R-Right. Right, I remember that..." I cleared my throat and tried to think of a different topic.

"Sonic," Rosie placed a hand on. My shoulder, "You should be more honest with yourself. And more honest with your husband. He loves the two of you more than anyone else he's ever cared about. And no one as stubborn, as determined as you, gives away his dream for just anyone."

"... I'm scared..." I couldn't imagine telling anyone... I felt horribly anxious.

"You already know he loves you. Why the fear?" She held out a towel for me as I got out of the bath.

"... if... if I tell him... and he gets hurt... if he-" she suddenly handed me Tails, all bundled in his blue towel and wide awake from being in the water. I felt less anxious staring into his happy little eyes.

"I can not predict the future. And neither can you. A few months ago, you despised Scourge. You even feared him. Now, you're raising a child together. Who could have foreseen that? You will never know when the day comes that Scourge does not come home. We all do our best to protect him. But just like you, the fool always runs to the center of a fight," Rosie led me out of the bathroom and back to the bedroom where my clean suit was waiting, "I may not be able to ease your fear, but I do know this. If you lose him before you tell him. You will suffer a greater pain than you will know."

"Rosie, could we have some help in the kitchen, please? Laura isn't feeling well," one of the other maids called.

"Right away. I'll send someone for you in my place Mistress," Rosie bowed before leaving to help.

"Oh, Miles... what did I do?" I sighed while I dressed him in fresh pajamas, "It's so easy with you. I can I love you all I want to your cute face and little tummy," I picked him up and kissed his belly. His legs did a short dance reaction before I offered him a bottle, "Oh yeah, bathtime always makes you hungry."

  I glanced at the sky from our windows. Sunlight beaming in and brightening the lightly colored room. The sky displacing the cool abyss of the atmosphere... I felt as though this moment, I was far away from the world, resting outside time.

"... Scourge... I lo-"



1 - 10 - 2023

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