Chapter 4 - saiki pov

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She showed up. I still can't read her mind. But there is one thing I'm sure of now. She has to have some form of psychic abilities.

How do I even start this conversation?

"You're not going to read my mind Saiki."

Well. She's far ahead enough already. Obviously she has psychic powers. To what extent? I can't think of what to say.

"So you're a psychic?"

She's pretty direct huh.

"Yes. I'm amusing you are too."

Even I can admit this is awkward.

"Let's start with why we seemed to get a shock when you touched me."

"It's not like I planned it to shock you. I was trying to use psychometry. I have no clue why that happened."

"Psychometry? Huh."

"Look. I was only curious why I couldn't read your mind or name and why some powers simply didn't work. Now I found out. So I think we should just keep this between us and live our lives normally. I already figured out that there's other people in this school with psychic abilities. And everything seems fine so I think we can just leave it at that."

She can read peoples names?
What she said is quite true. This school is becoming a hotbed for special abilities. But what I'm curious about is why her abilities are similar to mine. Apart from the name reading. Whatever. She can't be as strong as me or god forbid stronger. So it should be fine.

"That sounds good."

"If luck's in our favour then this will be the last time we talk. Anyways see ya!"

Luck's never in a psychics favour. Anyways, she starts walking away. That went far more pleasantly than I thought it would.

Turns out I was worried for nothing. I should probably leave before the others find me. I want to go to café mami and get some coffee jelly.

I managed to get there without being stopped by any of the idiots. I open the door and the aroma of coffee immediately hits me. I love this place.

"Ah- oh...hello..."

Huh? It's y/n. I told you luck is never in a psychic's favour.

Whatever. This is an easily avoidable situation. I'll just sit somewhere away from her. I walk around to find a spot. Café mami is unexpectedly full today. There's not a single place to sit. Good grief. Oh, there's one at the back. Is that the only one? Well I'm getting it before she does.

"Nope. That seats mine."

"You're the man. Shouldn't you offer me the seat?" She responds teasingly. Damn.

We both start walking to the booth. Both walking faster and faster. We get there at the same time. Now what?

"Whatever. It's a whole booth. We can sit together and not talk."

Ugh. Fine. I do admire how efficient she is though.

"Hello! Welcome to café mami! What can I get you two today?"

A waitress comes over.

"I'll have a latte and a coffee jelly please."

Coffee jelly? This is getting creepy.

"I'll have the same."

She looks a little taken a back.

We sit in silence while we wait for our orders. When our orders come we both take a bite of our jelly at the same time. Coffee jelly. It's so good. It's a mature yet dignified treat.

Then I hear y/n giggle.

Why's she laughing?

"What's so funny?"

"You eat your jelly kind of funny"

Ugh. This girl is annoying. We sit in silence for a little longer. But as much as not talking would be better. I really want to ask her about her powers. No one would hear us here anyways.

"Tell me. What are your powers like?"

"I thought we weren't going to talk?"

"Shut up and tell me."

"Wow, I definitely want to tell you now!" She says sarcastically.

"Fine. I don't have anything to lose. Well, as you know I can read minds and names, apart from yours. I can use x-ray vision, I can't on you though. That's fine with me, I never really use that power cause it's pretty creepy. I can use psychometry. Telekinesis, teleportation, levitation, super speed and strength. I could keep listing. There's a lot of stuff I don't really use cause it's dangerous or just useless. For example I could turn you to stone right now. But I'm not going to of course. Pretty much. You're at liberty to tell me yours but to be honest I don't really care as long as you keep mine a secret."
She takes a bite of her jelly.

Nevermind that. She's not wearing limiters or anything. She can just control her powers like that? I'd love to be able to not have to always see everyone as muscle. I don't exactly like how this is going. I try rationalise this to myself. She probably can control them because they aren't as strong. Right?


"My powers are pretty much the same. Except for the name reading."

"Yeah. It's a pretty useless power to be honest. But if your powers are the same or similar. How come you wear those strange glasses and clips?"

Damn her.

"To control my powers. Otherwise someone might end up dead. The glasses are to stop me from turning people to stone."

"Oh you don't have control over that power?" She says with a smirk. I'm starting to really not like this girl.

"And if that's the case, why did you choose green glasses? Wouldn't normal ones work. If you didn't want to stand out that might be better." She takes another bite of her jelly.

"Shut up."

Hmm, maybe I should try use psychometry on her again. Didn't really get a chance before.

"Do you mind if I try use psychometry on you?"

"Trying to peep into my powers huh? Whatever. Go ahead. Sorry if we get a shock again." She sticks out her arm.

I take my glove off.

She starts laughing.

"Why are you wearing gloves? Are you germaphobe or something?"

"It's so I don't accidentally use psychometry."

She continues laughing.

"You mean you can't control that either? You're funny Saiki! I'm starting to feel kind of good about myself. Whatever, just go ahead!"

I hate this girl.

I try use psychometry. Ow. I got the shock again.

"I wonder why that happens when we touch? Anyways, did it work?"


"Heh! Oh well!" She takes a bit of her jelly.

This better be the last time we talk. I am an all seeing psychic that can't be matched! I have ungodly powers.

Good grief. Is this what my brother felt like when I was born?

"This coffee jelly is so good. It tastes so homemade. The coffee jelly in Tokyo doesn't compare!"

She used to live Tokyo? Must be hard with her powers to live in such a crowded city.

We finish our jelly.

"Alright Saiki. I actually enjoyed myself. But I still don't want to get close to you so don't think we're friends. I doubt you do though. Welp see ya in class. Let's try stay away from each other okay!" She smiles, pays for her food and leaves.

I. Hate. This. Girl.


Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! :)

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