Chapter 12 - saiki pov

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My mother called us down to eat.

I never expected y/n to be genuinely caring. I thought it was just an act like Teruhashi. Y/n may say it's an act but she does it because she cares. At least a little. While I also have personal principals when it come to my powers I won't go out of my way to fulfil them if it's too much trouble.

"Eat up you two! I made plenty!" Says my mother, cheerfully as always. More so now that she's meeting y/n.

"Thank you mrs Saiki this is delicious!" Says y/n, humouring my mother.

"Ohhh! You're such a sweet girl! To think Ku found a girl with powers like his! But you're so much nicer than our little grumpy Ku!"

Mom. Maybe stop insulting your psychic son.

Y/n just laughs awkwardly in responds. Eating her food. She's so...normal.

I'm not sure why I hadn't noticed before but now that I see it. You would have no idea she'd have psychic abilities. I suppose her theory was right. I won't be donning said theory but it does surprise me how well it works.

After being compared to her all day it's nice to hear her and my mother say we're different. I guess I don't hate her. But she's got a point about us being better off staying away from each other. I was worried for nothing it seems.

We finish eating and my mother hands us coffee jellies for dessert.

"There were so many in the fringe, I thought I'd only bought one pack but looks like there was more! So eat up! I hope you like coffee jelly y/n!" Says my mother smiling at her as me and y/n share a look of mutual thinking 'there's more coffee jelly because of us'.

"Thanks, yes I do, it's my favourite dessert actually!" Y/n says smiling.

"Oh really! That's Ku's favourite dessert too!"

"Haha! Yeah I'd noticed!" Y/n says, in a way which teases me but my mother wouldn't notice.

After we finish eating, my mother bothers y/n showing her my baby pictures and telling stories from when I was younger. While a normal teenager would be embarrassed, I on the other hand...

Well I just glared at her from where I was sitting.

"So y/n, are you Ku's girlfriend?" My mother asks setting off an awkward silence in the room.

The silence is then broken by y/n's surprisingly calm response.

"Oh haha, no. I actually just transferred to PK academy yesterday. Saiki and I just happened to find out about each other's powers. A couple friends of his and I hung out earlier and they went home before me. I believe you were reading in your room so I don't think you noticed them leave" she says still smiling politely.

"Oh I see! Well I hope you two get to know each other better! I imagine you two must share a lot of similar struggles as psychics!" My mother replies.

Y/n saved that awkward situation in seconds. She is socially gifted, despite her hatred of it, but that's still impressive.

"I should probably get going now. It's getting late" said y/n picking her bag up, full of the coffee jellies she won from our challenges. "Thank you for the food and for inviting me in!" She starts heading for the door.

"Oh of course! Come again sometime, I can give you cooking lessons!" Says my mom before she leaves.

"Oh that's so sweet! Anyways, have a good night! Bye!" Y/n then leaves.

She telepathically talks with me.

"Maybe gently let your mother know that I already know how to cook pretty well, you know, because of my powers. She's too nice, I feel bad telling her."

"Don't worry about it. Or rather do. She knows that, she just wants to cook with you anyways. Even I can't stop her."

I reply. Before I could go back to my room my mother stops me.

"Go walk her home Ku!"

"She already teleported home. There's no need. Sigh. Good grief."

I finally can go back to my room and relax.

I start recalling the events from today. What an awful day. Those idiots treated us like performing monkeys. I'm honestly surprised y/n was the least of my problems despite her being who I was challenged against.

She was wrong about something. We are similar. Not super similar, there's obvious differences. But the fact we have the same goal in mind is calming a bit. We shouldn't get in each other's way anymore if that's the case. We both just want a normal life. As normal as it can be with psychic powers.

I lay on my bed. Exhausted from today. Even psychics need rest.

What a pain...


It's been a month since that 'challenge incident'. And y/n and I have successfully stayed out of each other's way quite well. She's been unlucky enough to have been adopted by Yumehara, Mera and Teruhashi's friend group so occasionally she's near me but we don't talk and stay out of each other's way. To be honest she got the short straw on that one, she doesn't want attention but is forced to be friends with the queen bee of the school. Knowing her she's too nice to not accept it. I only really see her or talk when we happen to be trying to fix the unstopping problems the universe throws at us psychics for being stronger than it. But overall things have been their usual slice of life, comedy feel.

However there is one thing I'm certain will make it difficult to evade y/n. A certain 'perfect pretty girl's' birthday. The whole group of idiots is planning her a party and I've already tried to make excuses not to go but to no avail. And considering y/n is close to her now she won't be able to refuse. We have a little under 2 weeks before her birthday. Personally I think it's early to be planning a party. But it is Teruhashi.

I now have to figure out my own way of dealing with this and unremarkably as possible.


Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! :)

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