Chapter 38 - saiki pov

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Hello! I know writers notes can be annoying but I'll make it quick!

Just want to say that now I want to try make the upcoming chapters more episodic, I'll follow along a bit with the actual plot changing a few things to fit with the story!

Anyways, hope you enjoy!


We're nearly done with this stupid festival. Most people have gone home but I was tasked with cleaning up with y/n and a few others.

We finish up before y/n stops me and asks me to follow her to the roof. She had set up a table and seat in front of the view over the school.

"Sit down!" She says happily, pulling the chair back for me to sit. She pushes my chair in. And takes out a coffee jelly.

"You're coffee jelly master!~" she says giving me a big sweet smile, placing the jelly on the table. She scoops some jelly onto a spoon. "Open wide!~" she feeds me the jelly.

This isn't so bad...she's so sweet. I can see she feels a little embarrassed but is doing this whole bit anyways. Though part of her is enjoying herself, I can tell.

"Sit down with me."

"There's not another seat?"

I aport some scrap metal that happened to be near by which was equivalent to a seat in the janitors closet.

"Now there is" I say pulling the seat next to mine with psychokinesis.

She giggles and sits next to me.

I scoop some more jelly and signal for y/n take a bite. She smiles and does so. She's cute. I can't help but smile a little. We share the coffee jelly as we look onto the sky which is now a sunset since it's already gotten quite late. She takes off my glasses for while we're together. Over the last week or so it's become habit that she takes my glasses off when we're together alone.

We finish up and finish cleaning up the classroom before leaving and going home. We quietly walk home together. She looks very content. I can't help but smile looking at her. I think I'm starting to enjoy this. Even if it's quite against the odds. I get my ring out from my pocket and put it on so I can hold her hand. There's no one around so it shouldn't be an issue. And if any of those guys that stare at her start getting jealous they can just remain jealous I guess. I grab her hand, making sure her skin also touches the ring. A little extra on my part so she can feel comfortable, with a quiet mind. She smiles at me and grabs onto my arm. We continue walking in silence. It's not awkward. Just comfortable.

We eventually part ways and we go home. I guess today want so bad~


It's been a couple months now since the festival. And now it's become a habit for y/n to occasionally walk home with me, and in addition, Kaido and Nendo. Sometimes she goes home with her girl friends, but she does like being around me. Her and I have slowly moulded well into our relationship. It has only been a couple months but that's more than either of us have ever been in a relationship so, not too bad I'd say. She has changed me a bit I'll admit.

Anyways. Like routine, today y/n is joining me with Nendo and Kaido for ramen. To which we can't go as the owner is ill. Nendo and Kaido fight over what to do instead.

"Hey! There's an arcade over there! We could hang out there for a while if you guys aren't too hungry!" Y/n suggests, trying to stop their fighting.

They agree and we head to the arcade. It's been a while since I've been to the arcade. I liked it as a kid so my mom always took me. My favourite game was whack-a-mole. I know it's simple but I liked how it just let you focus on doing that one thing very well. Which I did. When I hit those moles they never came back up.

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