Chapter 43 - y/n pov

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Me and Kusuo are walking home from school and a guy playing baseball accidentally throws a ball towards us. Kusuo caught it and threw it back. Both Kusuo and I have had issues control our powers when it comes to ball throwing so we've practiced together a bit to get better at it. Good thing it seems to have worked. Those 300 practice throws him and I did everyday payed off!

Though Kusuo can't take his clips out, since they help control his powers. Which is still funny to me since I don't have to wear any haha~
Anyways, without it throwing that ball wouldn't of been as gentle as it was. If anything were to happen to it then-

"Sorry! Can you throw it back?!"

The dumb guy accidentally threw his baseball towards us again. That's strange, a little pink ball seems to have come out of no where. Kusuo tries to throw the ball back again and this time it goes so far out an old school cartoony sparkle affect is seen. Nevermind that what just happened?

"I used the same amount of strength as before"

"Kusuo, the little pink ball" I say pointing towards the little ball on the floor that came off his control device.

"Right, I have to fix it- WOAH-"

Kusuo then trips breaking the ground and kicking the little ball which now also got an old school sparkle affect.

"This is bad- very bad. I can't modulate my powers. So if I lean on a wall it'll shatter like a wafer. If I bump into someone it'll send them flying. And if I run past people, the wind pressure will tear all their clothes to shreds. In this state I've got the power of a giant robot, every move I make could flatten an entire city!"

"Okay, Kusuo calm down, let's think of a solution."

Jesus he's strong- apparently my theory that the reason he has trouble controlling his powers and I don't is actually because his are stronger. Not too much but still. Anyways there needs to be a solution. Going home like this is dangerous.

"Try reverting it back a day"

He does so and instead of seeing a fixed control device that looks like a funky hair clip we see a bunch of small parts in Kusuo's hand. He reverted it back 7 years...

"Oh right...without the control device my powers are stronger..."

Before I can even say or do anything Kusuo starts spiralling. He tries to find his parents through telepathy and tell them but he's hearing so many more people's thoughts as his telepathy isn't limited to 200 meter radius any more.

"Everybody shut up!"

"Kusuo calm down a second!"

Kusuo begins to lean back on a wall "I can't pick up my mom and dads voices like this, what am I gonna do- OH CRAP!" He then falls through the wall.

"Kusuo!" I follow him through the hole he made and instinctively he reverts it back, 7 years however, I didn't even get a chance to do it myself.

"Okay Kusuo, I'll teleport you home, it's fine"

"What if I accidentally hurt you?"

"You won't it's fine!" I go to help Kusuo up when we hear a voice.

"Hey what's my buddy and my girl buddy doing in my back yard?"


"Woah! That wall hasn't look this clean in 7 years!"

He's seems so perceptive it's scary.


"What's wrong Kusuo?"

"X-ray vision- I'm seeing through flesh now? Even that power is levelled up. Wow Nendo has one crazy chin bone"

"Okay I'm putting an end to this"

Can't believe I have to play up the charm for Nendo of all people but this is an emergency. "Hey Nendo sweetie, can you get me a glass of water, I'm feeling quite parched~" I say while batting my eyelashes, I hate myself-

"Offu- right away-" He says fumbling away. Being friends with Kokomi has given me quite a strange set of skills. Whatever. As soon as Nendo's gone I teleport Kusuo and I to his house.

"That was awful to watch"
"It was worse for me, just thank me!"

We teleport in the middle of Kusuo's parents...they seem to have been having a moment, whoops-

Kusuo falls to the ground relaxing his whole body. His mom quickly realises his control device is damaged. After way too much back and forth, and Kusuo's father trying to fix it and just turning it into a toy car we eventually decide on calling Kusuke, Kusuo's older brother. He was originally the one who made the device. I've heard them talk about him but I've never actually met him.

"I can't believe I have to go beg him for help"

"It's our only option, plus he's your brother, it couldn't be that bad!"

"Is that so? What about you brother and sister"

"Ugh- don't remind me, they're actually home right now for the weekend" I love them but they can be so smothering.

It's been a while since I've mentioned them since the writer low-key forgot about them, so for those who need reminder they're my older twin brother and sister, they don't have psychic powers like myself but they're both...unique, in their own way. My sister is super smart creatively, like really smart, so smart she created a new way of reading music and created a new form of art, both recognised nationally. She's kind of the reason I have so many hobbies despite my powers. As for my brother, he's like the left brain. Anything computer based he's incredibly good at, like create new code languages also recognised nationally good. He'd probably get along with Kusuke. Anyways, ever since I was born they've took it upon themselves to 'protect' me despite me literally being a psychic who could probably kill them both if I wanted to with the click of my fingers. They think that I'm gonna get myself into trouble. It's quite frustrati-


And that's my luck isn't it- that my older sister yelling at the Saiki's front door.

Kusuo's mom opens the door. Before she can even say anything I go over to my siblings and shut the door behind me.

"What the hell are you two doing here? How did you even know I was here? Whatever. Look, just because I come home late doesn't mean I've gotten myself into trouble okay? And even if I did I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself, lest you've forgotten I have literal supernatural abilities! So if you'll excuse me, I need to take my boyfriend to London to fix his control device-"

"YOU'RE GOING TO LONDON?!" Yells my sister.
Then yells my brother.

Sigh. Good grief.

Kusuo's mother then opens the door and takes them inside. Everything is discussed and my stupid siblings want to come to London with me. My brother especially, as he's sitting inbetween me and Kusuo at the moment while glaring at Kusuo the entire.

"Look, s/n, b/n, I can't teleport everyone here to London. You can stay back"

"Nonsense! They can come along! We can all just go on a plane! It'll be a fun bonding experience!" Says Kusuo's mother sweetly.

Despite both me and Kusuo's protest we end up on a plane to London with myself, Kusuo, Kusuo's parents and my brother and sister, as well as my parents who wanted to come along since they've become good friends with Kusuo's parents.

This is going to be one interesting and terribly annoying trip.


Thank you so much for 3k reads!!

And as always, Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! :)

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