Chapter 18 - y/n pov

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"Do you like Saiki?"

Obviously I know the answer. But I'm just curious what her reaction will be. I'm trying to see how close she really feels with me.


Oh wow- that was cute-

"Really! I must have guessed right! We're friends now Kokomi, don't worry I won't tell anyone!"

"Oh thank you! Chiyo actually knows already!"

Hmm, so she really does think we're close. That's nice to know. Kind of. The good thing is that her catching so much attention to herself means people pay more attention to her than me when we're together. She's surprisingly an ally!

"Oh I see! Well I'm happy you trusted me with your crush!"

I can feel Saiki's eyes glaring at me- eheh... I'll let him know I wasn't trying to annoy him.

"Don't worry Saiki! I just wanted to see how close she thinks we are!"

"Well she clearly thinks you two are close. Do me a favour and convince her not to have a crush on me"

"Haha, I can try, I'm sure you've read her mind, it won't be easy"

Well that went better than I thought it would. Though Saiki is still glaring at me.

"So y/n! Do you have a crush on anyone?" You sound like Chiyo, Kokomi.

"What! No! I don't think I like any of the guys here"

"Oh come on y/n! I just told you my crush!" Says Kokomi, almost drooling at hearing me say a guys name.

I've actually never had crush. I wouldn't even know what it feels like.

"I know! I know! But I don't have one! I've never had a crush before!"
Hopefully this will get her to drop the subject. I know I started it but still.

"You've never had a crush before!?" Says Kokomi and Chiyo coming into our conversation. She was listening in before.

"Eheh! Yeah! What's the big deal!"

Oh no. I caused a problem for myself. Lovely readers you're about to find out why.

"That's it! We're going to find you a boyfriend!"

"That's a great idea Chiyo!" Kokomi says, eyes sparkling at the thought of match making me.

Crap. I should've never asked her.

I see Saiki hiding a chuckle in the corner of my eye. Damn. Karma's a bitch.

"Let's go around the beach before everyone goes home! Obviously we'll stay away from Saiki and Kaido!" Says Kokomi, immediately covering her mouth after saying Kaido.

"Oh I'm so sorry Chiyo!"


"Eheh~ it's okay! I had already guessed as much!"

"Wow, you guessed both our crushes? You're smart!" Replies Chiyo to me.

They take me by the wrist and take me around the beach.

"Hmm, who would make a good pare with y/n? What's your type y/n?" Asks Kokomi. Already way too into this.

"Really it's okay! I don't want a boyfriend! I don't even know my type!"

How would I? I've never liked anyone!

"Okay well, y/n is a strong girl! We should find a strong guy!" Says Kokomi.

"What about Nendo!" Says Chiyo without really thinking, then we all look at Nendo who's picking his nose.

"Uhhhh....not Nendo..."
We all say in unison.

"What about Kuboyasu! He seems pretty strong!" Says Kokomi, this time actually thinking it through.

"He looks like he'd be protective!" Responds Chiyo.

He's fine. But I don't want a boyfriend. Don't they understand that some girls don't want a boyfriend?

"Go on y/n! Go talk to him!" Says Kokomi pushing me towards him while he's talking to Kaido.

Ah! I-it's y/n!

Damn. Forgot Kaido had a crush on me. He's blushing like crazy and looking away from me.


Before Kuboyasu can even speak to me Chiyo drags me away quickly.

"W-wait never mind" she says as she looks at Kaido. She noticed him blushing at me.

"Well you are pretty quiet, maybe someone loud would contrast nicely!" Says Chiyo, trying to make me stay away from Kaido. You know Chiyo, I'd rather he have a crush on you. That would be easier.

"Oh that's a good idea! What about Hairo!" Says Kokomi, once again taking me by the wrist over to Hairo who's helping a kid learn how to swim.

I'm pretty sure that's not a lifeguards job.

"Huh..he seems busy, maybe it's best to leave him be..." says Chiyo, disappointed.

"Hmm, maybe strong isn't your thing? How about Toritsuka, he doesn't seem strong-" says Chiyo before I interrupt her.

"Absolutely not! He's a perv!"

"Oh..yeah your right-" both Kokomi and Chiyo say in unison making a grossed out look while looking at Toritsuka watching girls with binoculars.

I see a familiar pink-haired boy slap him in the face.

"Hmm...I can't think of anyone else.." says Chiyo sighing.

"Look! It's fine! I don't want a boyfriend!" I say, my arms up in front of me.



Well that's over. The beach was okay for a while but usually I hate going. It's always crowded so that means my mind feels like it's going to explode. I hate being in crowded places. Sometimes I get so stressed because of it I feel I can't breath. This is why I'm so glad I'm out of Tokyo.

Not to mention those disgusting guys and the girls trying to hook me up with someone.

Good grief. I need a shower, and sleep.

I walk upstairs to go to the shower, I go in my room first to get my other bath towel since the one I took the beach is all sandy now.


Crap. I just saw my calendar. Kokomi's birthday is in two days. How did time pass by so fast? Damn. At least I managed to get a gift when we were buying dresses.

I might make this a bath. I need to rest.

This feels nice. The water is nice. I wanted to rest a bit at the bottom of the seabed like I usually do at the beach, but I didn't get a chance. Guess the bath is the next best thing.

I get out of the bath. That was nice. While yes as a psychic I could just keep myself clean without needing to shower, bathe or even wear deodorant but showers and baths are really calming so I do it anyways.

While looking for clothes to wear to bed I see the dress I bought. It really is pretty. It stands out a bit though. Guess I can be okay with that.

Still. This party is really going to be a pain.


Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! :)

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