Chapter 7 - y/n pov

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"I have an idea y/n-chan!"

Wait- no I don't like this idea (I can read her mind so there's stuff I know she's going to say before she says it of course. Though most people say what they think the moment they think it so obviously not everything is predictable.)

"What if you and Saiki have a friendly competition of powers!"


"How would that even help?"
Asks Toritsuka. As he rubs his face from being punched. Finally something logical came out his mouth.

What makes her think I'll say yes?

"Well we could maybe use it to decide wether y/n joins the group or not. If she's good then obviously she joins! And to make sure she doesn't cheat by doing bad on purpose. The winner gets three, three-packs of coffee jelly!"

I did a reading on her when I got home yesterday and I found out she loves coffee jelly too!

That's nine coffee jellies!!

"Deal!" Both Saiki and I say.

"Your mom bought coffee jelly Saiki, Don't you have enough!"

"Guess you'll have to beat me"

Oh and beat him I will. That coffee jelly is mine!

"You guys are mean, you didn't all have to punch me! Anyways, So where are we gonna do this? There's not enough space in Saiki's room to really have fun."

Saiki puts his hands on me and Aiura's shoulders.

"Someone else grab the pervs shoulder. I don't want to touch him"

Why are psychics so mean

You're just a perv Toritsuka.

"Gross, no! Just tell me where you're going and I'll teleport there myself, you grab Toritsuka's shoulder"

You guys are all so mean to me

Saiki sighs and does so. I'm perfectly capable of teleporting myself thank you! Hmph!

"What is this place Saiki darling?"

'Saiki darling'? There ain't no way this chicks his girlfriend. She's way out of his league. Also he wouldn't have a girlfriend.

"Don't call me that. This is just a large area of dry land. There's no one around so we'll be good to do whatever."

"All right! This is place should do great! So the challenges will work as follows. There's three packs of coffee jelly, so there will be three challenges! Each challenge the prize is coffee jelly! Pretty self explanatory" Aiura says this while holding the packs of jelly which she got out of her bag.

I want those jellies. I'm going to win!

"Hmm, what should the first challenge be?" Asks Toritsuka.

"I know! Let's test your rescue abilities! Each of you take turns rescuing me. The one who isn't rescuing will be the kidnapper! Who ever rescues me fastest wins!"

This is the perfect opportunity to have Saiki both rescue me and take me hostage!

If you want to be taken hostage by your crush you have issues.

"Um, what should I do?" Toritsuka says pointing at himself.

"You can time them." Aiura replies.

"What! That's so boring!"

Just be happy you're still here Toritsuka.

"If you have a problem you can just leave, we don't need you here anyways!"

She's got a point.

"Okay fine I'll stay!!"

"Y/n-chan! You can take me hostage first. You'll get 5 minutes to do so. To keep things fair you can't teleport out of this 5 mile radius. Saiki will then have to come rescue me!"

I can't wait!

You shouldn't be excited about being taken hostage-

Whatever. I'm going to make sure to win. I'm going to take advantage of the things I know about it him. Let's evaluate.

He can read minds, not mine but he can read Aiura's.

He has no control over his x-ray vision, and even if he did that wouldn't change much.

Man all I really know is he can't read names and has some control issues with his powers but he has his clips and glasses. And if he didn't I'd probably be the one in trouble. Ugh, how can I take advantage of his weaknesses when they're barely a handicap.

Then I'll take advantage of the weakness him and I share. He's likely going to use clairvoyance to find where I am and teleport there, but he has to at least see the place I'm in to teleport there so if I hide in a dark area with Aiura he won't be able to tell where I am and won't be able to teleport.

"All right. I'm ready. Come here Aiura. You too Toritsuka. You need to time this."

They do so and then I teleport both of them into a nearby abandoned building. It just made it into the 5 mile radius and it's dark so it will be hard for him to find us. I saw this abandoned building when I was looking up this place online to teleport earlier when we came to the dry land.

"You can call me Miko! y/n-chan! Anyways, where are we?"

"I can't tell you that. You can't know, if you did Saiki would read your mind and know where to go."

"Whoa, you're smart!"

"Yeah. I'm a psychic."

"You know you and Saiki are really similar. When ghosts were telling me they found another psychic and started describing you I thought they were just referring to Saiki before they told me you're a girl"

"I get what you mean! Saiki and y/n-chan do have a similar vibe. Their auras are both so big I can't read them!"

"Please stop comparing me to him"

"Ah! That glare is the same as Saiki's!" Says Toritsuka looking scared.

"Do you want to become a hostage too?"

These two are a handful. I almost feel bad for Saiki.

"Sigh. Good grief. I'm only doing this for the jelly."

They both start laughing hysterically.

"Why are you laughing? Have you lost your minds?"

Ah- oh I see. I read their minds. I hate this.

"You sound exactly like him! He always says 'Good grief' and he also loves coffee jelly!" Says the purple-haired perv, laughing through his words.

"Well for the record I don't always say 'Good grief', that was just an 'in the moment' thing. And I just have a sweet tooth okay!"

Ugh. I don't like hearing myself sound defensive.

"Looks like both of you are tsundere as well haha! Apparently his grandpa is too, must be genetics ahahah!" Says Aiura, or 'Miko', as she'd rather me call her.


"My grandpa is none of your business."

"Ahh!" All of us shout.

Man. He got here quick.

"1 minute, 34 seconds."


Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! :)

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