Chapter 13 - y/n pov

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"Kokomi! Where do you want to have your party?" Asks Chiyo.

(I'm on a first name bases with them already, I think it's early but they want me to call them by their first names so I do)

"Oh it doesn't have to be anywhere special! We could just have it at my house. Really you girls shouldn't worry that much about it!" Says Kokomi, modestly.

Though I know what she's really thinking.

Actually, having it at my house means I can show off just how perfect I really am! Then I'll get a chance to have Saiki in my room as we sneak out from the party and I'll have him say 'offu' at how perfect even my room is!

You may be my 'friend' now Kokomi, but you're still delusional.

This party is going to be such a pain. There's obviously no way I can manage to escape it. Saiki and I have both been good at trying to stay away from each other. But this will be hard to evade. The good thing is parties are crowded so it's not hard to stay away from each other. The bad thing is parties have activities. And I'm certain both Saiki and I are likely to skip out on them which will force us to be near each other while waiting for activities to finish.

It's been a month since the challenges me and Saiki did. We're on summer break now. Why did my dad have to change jobs right before the end of the first semester? Oh well. We're hanging out at café mami since Mera works here and we can occasionally talk with her when she's not working. I like it here cause the coffee and coffee jelly is really good so I can't complain. Only issue is Saiki likes this place too. Though he probably knows we're here through clairvoyance if he does want to come by so we should be fine.

"All right! So that's the activity list, food list, and date and time. Looks like all the planning is ready! We just have to get the things on the list and- GASP!"

Chiyo nearly drops her spoon.

"How could I forget! We need to go shopping! We need to figure out what we're going to wear!"

That's what got you all riled up Chiyo?

"There's a near by shopping district, we could go there now if everyone's okay with it! And don't worry Mera, I can pay for your dress!" Kokomi says smiling, glowing as usual.

I check my wallet. Looks like I've got enough money. I've been saving up anyways, didn't really have something to save up for so getting a nice dress could be fun. Yes I'm a psychic, an occasionally grumpy one who doesn't like attention, but even I like to look nice on special occasions.
I actually really like fashion, but since I don't like attention I don't indulge in the more flashy clothes even if I want to.

"Yeah let's do it!" Says Chiyo excitedly.

I'll get a dress that will really make Kaido like me!

You're chances with him are incredibly low honey but whatever makes you happy.

"Mera, when are you getting off work?" Asks Kokomi in hopes we can include her in our shopping.

"Oh actually in only a few minutes. Since there's barely customers I've been able to talk with you guys! But my shift ends in 10 minutes anyways!" Says Mera, excitedly ready to go shopping with us.

Mera finishes her shift and we leave to go shopping. As much as I don't like being in public with Kokomi, considering all the eyes on us and the almost creepy gasps being heard all the time, I'm actually excited since I haven't gotten clothes in a long time!

We enter this nice looking place. As soon as we enter I hear three familiar voices. These voices belonging to a certain moron, a smaller moron and an ex-punk. Ok maybe that was rude. It's Nendo, Kaido and Kuboyasu.

"Oh hey it's Teruhashi!" Says Nendo waving at us as he walks over.

Wait crap. If they're here that means...Saiki might also be here.

As I think that I see a certain pink-haired boy behind them.

"Are you girls getting clothes too?" Asks Kuboyasu holding a questionable array of clothing, all looking like punk clothing.

"Oh yeah! We're just here to pick out outfits for Kokomi's birthday party!" Says Chiyo happily while sneaking a look at Kaidous basket to see what clothes he's picked out.

"We were here for that too but we got sidetracked" responded Kuboyasu.

"Why don't we pick out things together then!" Said Kokomi, and of course the guys immediately agreed.

This is perfect! We'll get a chance to try on clothes and I'll make Saiki go 'offu'!

What does that even mean.

We start shopping, the group is talking to each other and asking each other what looks good and what not. Both me and Saiki are staying away from each other as well as the group minding our business.

I pick out a few dresses and as I'm going to the fitting rooms about to try them on I get stopped by balls-chin.

"Did you chooses dresses? Hey! Why don't the girls try their dresses on and we can help them decide!"

Nendo, I know you have a pure heart but sometimes I wonder just how pure it really is.

"That might actually be fun!" Says Chiyo.

Don't indulge him!

Now Chiyo is trying on the dresses she chose out. She tries on to two different dresses. A yellow flowery one, it's just above the knee and relatively average. And another pastel purple one, looks pretty much the same as the first one but purple with flowers. The one she ended up choosing with feedback from us was the the yellow one. Good choice. Yellow is her colour.

Then it's Mera's turn. She tries on two dresses as well. Neither of them are very showy in the upper area and yet they show off her chest quite a bit. She tired on a plain brown dress with sequences, and a frilly black and white dress. The brown dress one is the one she picked since the other one looked too much like a maid dress.

Next up was Kokomi. She has three dresses. Each dress she tried on got the same response. All the boys gasped at each one, except Saiki of course. The first dress was a pretty plain dress but still really cute. It's was a dark purple dress that was just past the knee and had a small slit. Middle-sleeved. The second dress was one like Mera's second one. It was frilly and girly. Instead of black and white it was white and a very light pink. She honestly looked like an angel in it. Even I can't deny it. By the third dress Saiki had left to go pay. No one even noticed. Lucky. Wish I could just leave without being noticed. But I can't help it, I've made myself a persona of a sweet girl and now people notice me. The third dress is also pretty. Not quite like the second though. It was long sleeved and hugged her body but frilled at the ends. It was a nice muted blue colour.

No one could decide at first but eventually picked the second dress. To be honest I kind of liked the last one more. I think it was more classy and looked nice with her blue hair. But they wanted her to look like an angel.

Oh crap it's my turn. Great. All eyes are going to be on me now. And whatever they say I'll hear their real thoughts. Though that'll make it easier to pick.


Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! :)

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