Chapter 1

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Emilia's POV
I'm Emilia Robins. I'm 16. I unfortunately, live with both of my parents. Me and my mom are close but, my dad is the devil in our house. Every day, he finds something wrong. He blows up on us. My mom gets yelled at. I get yelled at. I get hit sometimes too. He throws things. I have nowhere to run. Our neighbors' son, Devin, used to be my best friend. I'd run to him every time, something went wrong. His parents called the cops one time.

Me and my mom got in a lot of trouble for that. Devin dropped me and started hanging out with the "popular" kids. That hurts. There was a time when, I wanted to die first so, I wouldn't have to be without him. Now, I just wanna die. He's the reason, I have no friends. He chased them all away.

He started spreading rumors. His group of friends laugh whenever, something goes wrong for me. Coffee has been poured on me. I've been pushed down the stairs. I've been tripped. My dad doesn't help. He blames me for everything.

I see people go into Devin's house every day. He brings his girlfriend over. I hear everything. The laughing. The moaning. The arguing. Everything. I used to have my curtains open all day. Now, they're closed. My window is across from his bedroom. I sit in my window seat and try to relax. The only time the curtains are open are when, he's not home.

Seeing him, kills me. Hearing him, kills me. Everything about him now...kills me. I don't try to hang out with anyone, anymore. In gym, I'm the last one on a team to get picked. I used to be the first or second. I get left on the sidelines. Nobody switches out with me during games.

I'm alone at lunch. For group projects, I'm told to be in a group. I'm not picked. The only time I talk now, is when I'm answering or asking questions. My teachers are concerned. My mom's concerned. When we have new students, Devin turns them against me right away. I don't recognize the person he has become. I want the old Devin back.

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