Chapter 21

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Devin's POV
"I will talk to you later. Call me if you feel any better or worse. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Y-you're coming back?"

She nodded.

"I bought two boxes of surgical masks. I'll wear two if you want. Don't start the game without me mister."

"Okay. Okay. I won't."


"I-I'm going to the doctor tomorrow. I'll tell you how it goes."

"I'll be waiting for the update. Alright my love, I'm off."

"Sally never called me that."

"I am not Sally."

"I-I liked hearing it."

"Alright. I'll keep using it. You can use it too. Oh! Really quickly, do you want me to put anything away for you?"


"I'll see you tomorrow then."

She walked out of my room and shut the door. I put everything back in the box then put it on my side table. I yawned. I turned my tv off but left the gaming console on. I laid down then went to sleep. My mom woke me up when, we had to leave. I got dressed. I didn't even bother to try to look nice. I felt like shit so I wanted to be comfortable. I grabbed a lot of cough drops and put them in my pocket. I finished getting ready then left my room.

"You must really be sick. You're leaving the house in a T shirt and sweatpants."

I nodded. I started coughing into my arm. I threw a cough drop into my mouth. I checked to see if the game downloaded. When I saw it was, I turned everything off. I groaned. I dragged myself to her car and got in. I put my seatbelt on and put my head on the window. I yawned. I started to doze off.

"Devin? Wake up. We're here."

I opened my eyes and rubbed them. We got out of the car and she helped me walk into the doctor's office. I sat in the sick section.

I feel like death.

I took my phone out of my pocket. I texted Emilia to tell her, where I was. When I went to a room. I had to lay down. I almost fell off the exam table. My mom and doctor caught me. My doctor started examining me.

"Wh-what's wrong with him?"

"It seems like, he has a bad case of the flu."

I was still falling asleep.

"I'm going to give him some things to take. He needs to rest."

"Is he contagious?"


I fell asleep on the way home again.

"Devin? We're home."

I opened my eyes and dragged myself to the bathroom to take a shower. I slipped and fell.


"What was that?!"

"I-I'm fine!"

I got out of the shower then forced myself to get dressed. I looked at myself in the mirror.


I look worse than yesterday.

I dragged myself to my bed and laid down. I was about to text Emilia when, I fell asleep. I heard my door open.

"Dev? I'm back."

I felt fingers going through my hair.



I opened my eyes and saw Emilia wearing another mask.

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