Chapter 29

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Emilia's POV
Maya picked me up then picked Marisol up.

"Is he sleeping?"

"Yes. He's been sleeping for about 2 hours now."

"Good. Poor baby. I'm assuming, he called you too."

"Right after he called you."

"His principal completely embarrassed him."

"I know. I'm pissed."

"Honestly, me too."

"Did he give her the key yet?"

"Yeah. I have it. He gave me it yesterday after Caleb barged in."

"Okay. Good. I hate when his friends just show you. I don't mind you."

At her house, we were quiet when we walked in. I tiptoed to Devin's room. I opened his door. One of my keychains banged against something. I froze.

Please don't wake up!

I shut his door. I put my bag down by his desk. I tiptoed up to him. I walked over to the side of the bed he was facing. He was holding his phone. I carefully slid it out of his hands. I plugged it in. I froze when it made the noise.

I'm sorry!

I kissed his forehead. He smiled.

What should I do here?

I'll let him sleep.

I tiptoed away and slowly opened it door then tiptoed out of it. His door slammed a bit. I froze again. I quickly hurried downstairs. Marisol was sitting in the dining room. She was doing her homework.

"Hey kiddo."


"Shhh. He's sleeping."


"Do you need help with anything?"

She shook her head.


I should've brought my stuff down.

I tiptoed back up to his room and slowly opened the door. I quietly walked over to his desk. I unzipped my backpack. I froze. He groaned. I just picked up my bag and hurried out of his room. I held my keychain so it didn't bang into the wall again. I slowly shut his door.

I once again, tiptoed down the stairs. I went back into the dining room. I took out my things and started working on homework. I pulled out the draft for the restaurant model. I started going through and seeing if we needed anything else. I put it away then took out my History homework.

"Hey Lia? Can you help me?"

"I can try."

I moved closer to her and looked at what she needed help with.

"Oh god. This is too many numbers."

"See! It's hard!"

"Yeah. I understand why, you're struggling. Did you take notes on this? Can I see them?"

She opened her Math binder and found the page with her notes. She handed it to me. I started reading.

"What on earth..what happened to 2+2=4? Why is it like, 100 numbers now?"

I had a hard time helping her.

"Is this the only thing, you have?"

"No. I have Language Arts."

"Okay. Let's put this away and we'll come back to it."


She grabbed her Math things and put them away. She took out her Language Arts things. She pulled out a book.

"Can I see that? The cover looks familiar. If it's what I think it is, I'll definitely be able to help."

She handed me the book and I was right on what it was.

"Okay. This is good. This was an easy book for me."

"I like it."

"That's good. You'll pay more attention that way."


"Yeah. If you pay attention, you'll be able to answer the questions easily. What chapter are you on?"


"Ah. Can I read a bit so I know where you are?"

She nodded.

"Can you read it to me?"

"Will that help you?"

She nodded. I started reading. We accidentally went past chapter 2.


"My bad."

I laughed awkwardly.

"It's okay! My teacher said we can read more!"

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