Chapter 4

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Emilia's POV
My dad ran into my room and started yelling at me. I looked down. He took the ice pack from me and threw it across my room. He slapped me. He walked away and slammed my door shut. I walked over to my window.

I moved the curtains and looked outside. Devin and Sally were in his room. They looked like, they were yelling.

Are they arguing?

Then I started to hear them. I closed the curtains. I walked over to the ice pack and picked it up.

Of course, there's a hole.

I ran downstairs then put it in the freezer. I ran back to my room. I didn't eat dinner. I just went to sleep. In the morning, someone knocked on the door. I didn't bother looking. I turned on an alarm then went back to sleep.

I went to school with another black eye. Devin kept staring at me. Sally walked up to me. She handed me a box. I opened it and saw a pregnancy test.

"Now he's REALLY mine."

I looked down. Once again, Devin looked upset. He walked up to us.

"Knock it off."

"Oh come on, Dev."

They started arguing in front of me. When I went home, my mom sat me down in the living room. Her eyes were red and puffy.

"Get some things together. We're finally doing it."

"We're leaving?! Really?!"

She nodded.


"All of your furniture, is already at the new house."

I jumped off the couch and ran to my room. I started packing. My mom brought in bubble wrap and boxes. I started wrapping things. We put the last of the boxes in the car, before my dad got home. I went to Devin's house and rang the doorbell. His mom opened it. I told her, I was leaving. She hugged me.

Marisol ran up to me.

"You're leaving me?"

I put my hand on her head.

"I'll still be with you. You have my number. I can still hang out with you."

She hugged me and started crying. I cupped her face.

"When I'm settled, you can come over. We can have a movie day."

"Really? Y-you mean it?"

"Have I ever lied to you?"

She shook her head. I wiped away a few tears.

"D-do you want to see my brother?"

"No. That's alright. He won't care. I have to go before, my dad comes back."

I ran out to my mom's car. I jumped in and put my seatbelt on.

"Where're we going?"

"I bought a house without, your father finding out."

"Really?! Cool!"

She smiled. She brought us to our new house. I walked in and picked out a room. I started setting everything up. I jumped onto the bed. I went around my new room and started unpacking. My phone went off. I picked it up. Devin texted me.

Devin: What? You can't say "Goodbye" now?

I ignored him. I started my new school a week later.

"Emilia? I-is that you?"

I turned around. I saw Devin's cousin, Ruby.


I hugged her.

"Wh-what're you doing here?"

"We left my dad."

"Really? Oh my god! How are you two?"

"We're good."

"I haven't seen you in years!"

"I know."

"We should hangout."

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