Chapter 23

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Devin's POV
"Can I use it now?"

"In a minute. I gotta connect it."

I connected the controller and gave it to her.

"Yay! How do I use this?"

"Here. Give me your hands."


My mom came in and gave me, my medicine.

"Now? But..."

She started staring at me.

"Fine. Give me the thing."

She handed me the mini measuring cup. I started staring at it.

"I'm dreading this."

"Just take it."

I quickly drank it.

"Fuck me! That's fucking disgusting!"

I started coughing. My mom gave me soda to get rid of the taste.

"Oh my god. That should be illegal."

Emilia started playing with the controller.

"Hmm. I think...I'm getting the hang of it."

"How often do I have to take that horrid thing?"

"Three times a day."

I groaned.

"He shouldn't be contagious starting tomorrow. You probably won't need to wear a mask."

Emilia's phone started going off.

"Oh no. It's my mom."

She answered.

"Hi mom. Yes. He's feeling better."

She started to look upset.

"A-are you sure? Wh-what did Aunt Sharon say?"

Tears started to form.

Oh no.

I know that look.

"T-this is because we left?'s ruining us. I-I can't talk to Alexandra anymore? Mom...but...she doesn't know anything. I know, you can't control his family. No. I-I never said anything. I only talked to Devin about that."

Emilia grabbed my hand and started squeezing it.

"Emi? What's going on?"

"I uh...uh...would like to not go to school tomorrow. I-I need to process everything. N-no. I won't be home tonight. C-can you do something for me? C-can you hide every picture we have of dad's family? I-it'll be too painful to see them. I'll uh...see if I can stay with Devin. I-if not, I'll just go get a hotel room for the night."

"Emi what's going on?"

"H-hang on Devy. C-can I stay here?"

"Yeah. You're scaring me."

"I-I'll explain in a few."

I wiped a tear away.

"Yes. Please hide everything from his side of the family. Yes. I-I mean it. I-I do not ask for much. Please just do, those things for me. Yes. Anything. Cards, toys, pictures, everything. Get rid of it all. Okay. Goodnight. I love you too."

She put her phone down.


"My dad's side of the family...just cut me and my mom off. Did my dad move yet? I saw the for sign the other day."

"Oh yeah. H-he's gone."

"He's been gone for weeks now."

She relaxed a bit.

"Good. That's good."

She started hugging me.

"Wh-what're you doing? I'm still sick."

She sniffled.

"I-I honestly do not care right now."

I started hugging her tightly. She started crying.

"You're okay."

Don't cough!

Don't fuckin cough!

I moved her away from me and started coughing into my arm.

This is the worse time to be sick.

Why am I sick now?!

"I-I'm so sorry."

She sniffled.

"I-it's okay."

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