Chapter 26

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Devin's POV
She moaned again.

"Good girl."

"I-I want you."

"Oh? Really?"

She nodded.

"I'm still sick."


"Are you about to tell me, you don't care?"


"You sound unsure."

"I-if I get sick..."

"Yes. I'll take care of you. Still want me? You seriously, wanna risk it?"

"Yes and n-no."

"I'll just keep teasing you then."

I put another finger in her.

"Oh god. Oh god. I love you. O-oh my god. H-holy shit. I weren't sick."

"I see, you're feeling better."

I jumped up. Caleb was standing in my room.

"Uhhhh. Kinda busy here. How'd you get in?"

He held up a key.

"Dumbass, I know where the spare key gets hidden."

"Not anymore."

I stood up and walked over to him. I held my hand out.

"Drop it."

He dropped it and I caught it.

"Hey baby? Catch."


I threw the key to Emilia. It hit her forehead.

"Shit! I am so sorry!"

She got up and walked over to her bag. She took her lanyard out and put the key on it.

"A-are you serious?!"

Emilia started to look upset. I ran up to her. She took the key off and handed it back to me.

"No. That's your key. My mom already said, I could give you it. You have me a key and now I gave you one."

I ran to the bathroom and washed my hands.

"Why did you decide to use the key?"

"I wanted to check on you. We thought, you were dead. You've been dodging our calls and texts."

"Bro. I'm sick."

"'re been talking to her."

"I-in my defense...he told me to stay away. I-I invited myself."

"Oh shut up. I'm not talking to you."

She looked down.

"I apologize."

She walked over to my bed and sat down. She went back to playing the game. I grabbed his ear and started dragging him.

"Hey! Get off! The fuck?"

I dragged him out of my room and shut the door. I crossed my arms.

"Let's get one thing straight. Talk to her like that again and I'm knocking you out."

"Dev, this is bullshit. 3 months ago, you hated her."

"When she got shot, I snapped outta it."

"So your relationship is based around her getting shot? Are you mental?"

"That's not the reason. I went to the hospital every day. You know this. We got back on track. Is there a problem?"

He shook his head.

"Good. You had me worried. Why are you here?"

"It's like I said, I thought you were dead."

"If I was dead, my ghost would've texted you."

"I know let her in?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Did you come here to attack her?"

"No. I just wanted to do a welfare check."

"Congrats. I'm alive. A-are we done here? I was in the middle of something."

"What's gotten into you?"


I felt someone holding my hand. I looked and saw Emilia.

"What's wrong?"

"I-I'm gonna go home."

"Huh? Why?"

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