Chapter 35

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Emilia's POV
He walked into the game room and shut everything off.

"Alright. Let's go play that game finally."

He picked me up and started walking to his room. He put me down on his bed then turned on the gaming console. He walked over to the bed and picked up the controller. He sat down and I crawled into his lap. We started the game and that's what we did all day.

"How do you feel?"


"I'm sorry."

I started getting get a really bad cramp. I curled up into a ball and started crying.

"I-it hurts! I-I can't move!"

He started holding me.

"It's okay."


"You're okay. I'll be right back."

He carefully put me down.

"I-I need a heating pad too."


He ran out of his room. All that was one my mind was the pain. Devin ran back in with painkillers, soda, and a heating pad.

"Oh my god. You're an actual lifesaver."

He helped me take the painkillers. He plugged in the heating pad for me. He grabbed something and wrapped the heating pad in it so, it wouldn't burn me.

"Where do you want me to put this?"

I showed him where I need it. He put it on me.

"I'm gonna roll you over."


He rolled me onto my side. I started crying.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."

"Are you okay now?"


"Do you ever have to miss school because of this?"

"Oh god, yeah. I have a hard time getting out of bed sometimes."

"A-are you gonna be okay tomorrow?"

"No idea. I-I have to go. The project is due at the end of the week."

"Do you ever leave early?"

"Y-yeah. My mom gets me."

I was in bed for the rest of the day. Devin brought me home in the morning so I could get my things. My mom ran up to me and started hugging me.

"I-I'm having horrible cramps. I-I don't think, I'll last all day."

"Okay. Call me when you need to leave. I'll leave work."

"You can drop her off at my house."

"I-I'm not safe here."

"I understand. I filed for the restraining order. We'll be safe soon."

I noticed she had a black eye.

"Oh no. H-he hit you?"

"We gotta go."

Devin brought us to school.

"Get me if you need me."

I was in pain all morning. I had to change my pad a few times. I had a hard time focusing on the restaurant model.

"Okay. You're leaving. You need to rest."

"I-I've been shot. T-this is nothing."

I managed to make it to the end of the week. The night before the project was done, the three of us went to the store and got everything we needed. We spent hours making the food. My pain was going away since it was ending. We ended up passing the project.

Me and my mom got the restraining order. I stout feel safer. I was spending more time at my house. Four years later, I saw Devin talking to my mom. I couldn't hear what they were talking about. I was helping Marisol with her homework.

"Hey Marisol? What's your brother doing?"

"Hmmm. I'm actually not sure."

Devin ran up to us and kissed me.



"What's got you this happy?"

"Just had a really good conversation with your mom."

"What're you planning?"


Me and Marisol started staring at each other.

"He's gonna blow."


He ran back over to my mom.

"Okay what the fuck is he doing?"

"I'm not sure."

"Okay. Strange. Anywho. Back to this."

"Ah. I hate this assignment."

I kept staring at Devin and my mom.

"Should I go over there?"

He ran back over to us.

"I'll be back. Love you."

He kissed me.

"Uh love you too?"

He ran away.

"Hey mom? What's wrong with my boyfriend?"

"Nothing. He had too much caffeine."

"Yeah. Okay? Uhhh."

Marisol's phone went off and she picked it up.

"Ah. That explains it."

She set her phone up sideways.

"What're you doing? Why is everyone in this house, acting weird?! A-am I the only sane one here? Okay....I'm scared."

I brushed the weirdness off. I went on my phone. The front door opened.

"Hey Dev."

Marisol started recording. I started staring at her. She pointed and I looked to my right. Devin was down on one knee. He was smiling and holding an opened ring box. My eyes widened.

"I-is this why, everyone is being weird?"

"Emilia Robins, this might be all over the place but, I've been dying to do this for three years now. Since we were 17, I knew."

"Y-you're lying."

"No. I'm not. Almost losing you, made me realize that, I love you and I never want to lose you."

"A-are you...i-is this happening?"

"Shh! Let him finish!"

"Okay! Sorry!"

He chuckled.

"You're so adorable."

My face started to heat up.

"I've known you for what? 15 years now. "Emilia Robins" should be "Emilia Hemsworth" now. Can that happen? Will you marry me?"

I started crying while nodding. He had a hard time getting the ring on since, I was shaking. I started hugging him. I fell off the chair.

"I love you!"

"I love you too."

Marisol jumped onto my back.

"Yay! We're sisters now!"

I started hugging her.

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