Chapter 19

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Emilia's POV
"How do you do it?"

"How do I do what?"

"Be happy all the time."

"Oh that's not true. I'm not happy all the time. I have bad days just like everybody. I just know how to not show it."

"That's not good for you."

"I know. But, I do have people to talk to don't worry. I do talk about my feelings. I started therapy too. I'll be okay. Everything is still fresh in my mind. I have my mom, boyfriend, and Ruby to talk to. Those are honestly the only people I trust. I've known them for years. I did have some problems with my boyfriend for a few years. We're good now."

"So just to make sure, you're not upset?"

"Oh no. I'm just a bit upset. I'll be fine once, I talk about to someone I trust."

I finished eating then threw my garbage out. I started packing all of my things up.

"One person here, saying they hate me, isn't gonna upset me."

The bell rang and I waved to the girl.

"Bye! It was nice talking to you! I hope your sister is able to make friends. I mean that in a good way."

I left the cafeteria then walked to my last class. I sat down at a desk. Devin picked me up. He was standing by the passenger side of his car. I ran up to him.


"Hey. How was your day?"

"Good actually. They decorated my locker."

I showed him the picture on my phone.

"That's cool."

"Mhm! They wrote notes too! I put them all in my bag!"

"I'm glad that those made you happy. Let's get you home."

He opened the car door and I got in then put my seatbelt on. He went to the other side of the car then got in and put on his seatbelt. He started driving. I started reading the notes from my locker to him.

"A girl told me, she hates me."

"Oh shit. I-I'm sorry."

I smiled.

"I'm okay."

"You sure?"

I nodded.

"If you're not, you'll tell me right?"



He brought me home. He spent the night. He brought me to his house in the morning. A few days later, Devin told me, he woke up sick. I wanted to go take care of him but, he insisted I stay away. I got upset. I checked on him whenever, I was free.

Devin's POV
I was too sick to even get out of bed. My mom took off work to take care of me. I couldn't stop coughing. Eating sucked. I was extremely congested. I was dragging myself to the bathroom. I stayed in bed and just slept, listened to music, go on my phone, and played video games. I was drinking a lot of water and taking medicine.

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