Chapter 22

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Devin's POV
"Hey. How do you feel? Any better?"

"I-I don't know. I-I think, not eating is getting to me."

Her eyes widened.

"You're not eating?!"

"N-no. I-I haven't felt well enough."

"You're eating."

"O-okay. I-I'm worried, I'll throw up though."

"I'll clean it up or help you get to the bathroom. I'll be back."

She walked away. I went back to sleep. I woke up when I smelled something. I forced myself to sit up. Emilia walked over to me holding a tray with a bowel on it. She put it on my lap.

"It's hot."

She sat down next to me. I started falling asleep again.

"Hey Dev? Can you just eat a little bit?"

"I-I can try."

I slowly started eating my soup. I slowly started to feel better.


"A-a bit. Thanks."

"Did you start your game?"

"You asked me not to."

"I wasn't expecting you to listen."

I finished eating and Emilia got rid of everything. I laid back down. Emilia walked back over to me. I started coughing into my arm. She sat down and put my head on her leg. She started running her fingers through my hair.

"H-how was your dad?"

"Eh. Boring."

"Probably better than mine."

"Hopefully, you'll feel better tomorrow. You seemed okay yesterday."

"I know."

I woke up and she was gone. I sat up. My mom walked into my room.

"How do you feel?"


"That's good. You're probably not contagious now. Do you want me to tell Em to not come?"

"Sh-she won't listen. I don't see the point in telling her."

I started playing a video game. A one I had played before. Emilia walked in. She was holding another plastic bag.


I waved.

"How much did you spend now?"

"Don't worry. I didn't buy another video game box. It's nothing major."

She walked up to me and sat down in front of me.

"What is it?"

She opened the bag and pulled out a video controller box. I started looking at the box.

"Oh no. You don't like it."

"No no. I-I do. I just don't understand why you got it."

"Well...your spare controller broke so I wanted to replace it. could show me how to play something?"

"Y-you'd want to play with me?"

She nodded. I opened the box. I opened the back.

"Can you get me two of these batteries? T-there's some in a drawer in the kitchen. At least, there should be."

"Mhm! I'll be right back!"

She jumped off my bed and ran off.

If she keeps this up, I'm gonna end up marrying her ass.

What am I saying?

I'm gonna end up doing that anyway.

Who do I ask for that?

Carter's a piece of actual flaming shit.

Maybe...I'm safer asking Luna.

Emilia ran back into my room.

"Did you find them?"


She ran back up to me and jumped onto my bed.


She handed me the batteries. I showed her how to put them in. I slide the cover back on.

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