Chapter 11

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Devin's POV
"Watch it. I'm serious."

"What's wrong? You weren't like this with Sally."

"Well, Sally wasn't my friend for 9 years. I fucked that shit up. Anyway, I'm not going to anymore parties."

"Oh come on!"

"Is there a problem with that?" I said through my teeth.

Caleb gulped.


"Good. For a second there, I thought there was. Shit's changing. No more drinking. No more parties. None of that."

"Woah. You're gonna be lame now."

I rolled my eyes.

"Something clicked a few weeks ago. Sally did something, that freed me of whatever hold she had on me. I'm not gonna say, what she exactly did."

"Oh no. How bad?"

"If she wasn't a girl, I'd knock her out bad."

"Oh no. He's got that look on his face."

"What look?"

"You know what one, I'm talking about."

"Oh? OH!"

"Don't even say what, you're thinking, you fuckin' perverts."

They threw their hands up.

"Why are you being a dick?"

"I-I'm sorry. I-I found out shit yesterday's not sitting well. I'm going back to the hospital after practice."

"You're seriously going back?"

"You're expecting me to not go?"

"You didn't go to the hospital when Sally broke her leg."

"Okay can we like NOT talk about the girl who tried to kill my friend?"

"You're seriously "Just friends"?"

"Jesus Christ. Yes. That's all we are."

I've seriously gotta talk to her about this when, she's better.

She's got too much on her mind already.

Lunch ended and I packed everything up.

"I'm ditching again. I can't take Mrs. Harris."

"Same. I'm coming with you."

"You in Dev?"

"Uh no? I just told you, shit's changing. Listen, I have a lot on my mind right now. I-I'm trying to figure it out. Just....don't force me to do anything."

I went to the locker room and changed into my gym clothes. I went to the gym and got in my spot.

"Am I seeing shit? Devin? You're in class for once?"

"Why is everyone up my ass about this today?"

"You hate gym."

"I can't be different for once?"

Gym started and we did attendance.

"Devin Hemsworth?"


My gym teacher's eyes widened.

"Y-you're in class for once!"

"Yeah. Why is everyone surprised?"

"You normally ditch class."

"Yeah. I'm gonna stop. Unless I have to reason to miss, I'm showing up."

"Well in that case..."

The game we were doing was explained to me.

I am so confused.

I did my best to participate. After gym was done, I went back into the locker room and changed and put on more deodorant. I went to the rest of my classes then practice. I surprised everyone.

"Woah! You're not late!"

"You guys are making it seem like, I broke bones or something."

After practice, I quickly went home and showered. I went back to the hospital afterwards. Luna was leaving.

"Oh! You're back! I heard, you spent the night."


"Are you two together yet?"

"Uhhh. I uh...I'm gonna talk to her about this when, she's better."

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