Chapter 3

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Emilia's POV
"Hey! I've missed you!"

"H-hi Marisol. I-I missed you too."

Devin just stood there with his ear buds on while using his phone. I looked down.

Of course, he's not gonna say anything.

I'm not surprised.

When dinner was done, we sat done and started eating. Everyone was talking. Everyone but me. Devin got up. He grabbed his things and started walking away.

"Where are you going?"

"Sally's. This is fuckin painful."

He looked at me when he said that. My heart cracked. He stormed off. I was fighting back tears.

"I-I am so sorry about him."

"We don't know what's going on with him these past few years."

I know what's wrong.

We grew up.

"Do you two still talk?"

I shook my head.

"They haven't talked in years."

"Oh no. Did something happen?"

I shrugged.


He found his new friends and realized, I'm not good enough.

"I'm uh...gonna go in my room. I-it was nice seeing you."


He's right.

This was fuckin painful.

I cleaned up and went to my room. I opened the curtains and started looking at the sky.

It looks so pretty tonight.

I started smiling a bit.

I remember staying up all night, just to see shooting stars.

I felt like a kid again for a moment. I wasn't depressed. I didn't feel like crying. I felt something, I hadn't felt in years. I was happy. I woke up still in my window seat. I stayed home for a week. Someone knocked on the door.

"I got it!"

I walked to the front door and opened it. I saw Devin holding my schoolwork. He dropped it then walked away.

"I-I'm sorry, f-for not being good enough. I-I miss you."

He stopped and clenched his fists then shook his head.

"I wish, you would tell me where, I messed up."

He shook his head again. He did something, he used to do when we were kids. He threw a rock at me. It landed at my feet.

"Your aim's improved a bit."

He ran away. I picked everything up then went back inside. I sat down in the dining room and started working on everything. A few days later, I ended up at his house. I had to babysit Marisol. I started helping her with her homework.

"Why are you and Dev not friends anymore?"

"Wish I knew."

I heard someone behind me clear their throat. I turned around. Sally was staring at me.

"Why're you here?"

"Oh uh...Zach asked me to watch Mari. I'll only be here for another hour or two."


Devin walked up to us.


"I hate looking at her. Make her leave."

He started staring at me.

Don't yell.

Don't yell.

He pointed to the door. I got my things together then stood up. Sally punched me. He actually looked upset. I ran out of his house and into mine.

"What's wrong?"

"Sally punched me."

I got an ice pack and wrapped it in a washcloth. I put it on my eye. I went to my room and started watching tv.

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