Chapter 40

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                                Emilia's POV
I put my head back down and went back to reading.

"Hey baby? Can you hand me my phone and ear buds?"

"Yeah. Hold on."

He grabbed them and handed them to me. I turned on my ear buds and put the right one in. I started playing music.

"I-I'll be right back."

I got up and ran to the bathroom. I sat there for an extra minute. When I was done in the bathroom, I ran back over to the bed and sat down in Devin's lap again. I went back to reading. My eyes started to get heavy.

                                Devin's POV
I got tired of playing a game for a bit. I turned everything off. I checked on Emilia and she was sleeping.


I carefully got up then put her in her spot. I took her ear bud out then put it back in the case. I pulled the blanket up to her chin. I put her things on her nightstand. I opened the nightstand's drawer and saw it was a bit messy. I started cleaning it. I took out the old water bottles and wrappers. I went to the kitchen and threw everything out.

I went around the house finding things to do. I put her new books away. I started the laundry. I started working on the dishes. I ran around the house and started cleaning. I let her sleep for 30 minutes. I moved hair out of her face. I started trying to wake her up.

"Hey Emi? You should wake up now. You don't want to over sleep."

She nodded. She opened her eyes and sat up.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. I don't know what happened."

"You fell asleep."

"O-oh. I-I'm sorry."

"You're fine. You shouldn't over sleep. I started doing a few things for you."

I started telling her what, I did. We spent the rest of the day in bed. I made her breakfast again. I got a tray and brought everything up to her. Emilia was starting to wake up.

"Hey love."


She sat up.

"W-what's all this?"

"I made you breakfast."

She rubbed her eyes. I put the tray down on her lap.

"How do you feel?"

"Better. Thank you."

"I have to get ready. I was only able to take off yesterday. I will try to come home early. I-I can't guarantee anything. I wish, I could."

"I-it's okay. I'll be fine. I can always call you."

I got ready for work. I got there and checked on her right away. She was awake and in bed on her phone while watching tv.

When the twins were born, our little family was completed.

                                 The End

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