Chapter 13

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Devin's POV
I started helping her with her schoolwork.

"Oh god. Not math. Please no."

"I know...I hate it too. I might just ask my teacher for help. Maybe...Ruby too."

"I'm sure, Ruby would love to help you. My sister's been asking about you."

"Aww. She has?"

"When I go home, she said it was time for her daily check in."

"Awww. She can come by tomorrow if she wants."

"I'll see if my parents let her."

After a while, Emilia yawned.

"I'm gonna sleep."

"Want me to stay?"

"Mhm. Please."

"How do you want to lay?"

"How we were this this morning."

She moved her schoolwork onto the side table. We laid down and she put my arms around her. She used my shirts and pulled herself closer to me.

"You okay?"

She nodded.

"Am I gonna wake you up at some point?"

"If I'm not awake when you have to go in the morning."

"Want me to wake up a bit earlier so I can stay longer?"

"Y-you don't have to."

"I should do it anyway so, I'm not almost late again."

I started running my fingers through her hair. I laid there while she was falling asleep. I ended up falling asleep too. I woke up before her. I moved hair out of her face. She was still sleeping. I looked at my phone and saw what time it was.


I've gotta leave.

I carefully woke her up. She groaned.

"Happy birthday. I'll see you in a few hours."


"Rest today. No schoolwork."


"Nope. Do I have to hide everything?"

"Okay. Okay fine. I won't do anything."


I got up and started walking away.

"See you later. Love you."

"Awww! You said it again! Love you too!"

I stopped and looked over my shoulder.

"I'll check on you when I can. Let me know if I'm allowed to bring you food. I'll bring you a cupcake or something. Not sure if I can sneak candles in. I'm not singing."

I left and went home. I woke my sister up and had her get ready. While she was getting ready, I did. I quickly made something for her to eat. My mom came rushing down the stairs.

Don't get mad at me.

"Hey mom."

"I can't talk. I'm gonna be late."

She quickly ran out of the house. I gave my sister her food then had her brush her teeth. We ran out to my car and got in. I got to Marisol's school in time. I was early to my school. I ran up to my locker and unlocked it.

"Wow. Now, you're early?"

"Fuck off. You're early too."

"Had to leave early. My dad was gonna lecture me again."

I did what I needed to with my locker than locked it. We started walking to class.

"Why are you acting strange?"

"Oh god. Not this again. Ugh. Oh fuck."


"I forgot to ask my mom if I could bring Mari to the hospital today. Crap."

I quickly texted my mom. She'll text me back when she had time. My teacher was shocked I was on time again.

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