Chapter 15

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Devin's POV
"What one do you want to give her?"

She pointed to the card in my left hand.

"Oh! Oh! I wanna give her money!"

"How much?"


"Jesus Christ. Did you break your piggy bank again?"

"No. Why do you think, I always do that?"

I shrugged. Marisol grabbed a gift card. We wandered over to the stuffed animals and grabbed some. We bought everything then went back to the car.

"I have pens in my bag."

I gave her a pen to sign her card. We got to the mall and I helped her get out of the car again. She grabbed my hand while we walked inside. We found the cupcake store first.

"Can I get one too?"

"I guess."

I bought a few cupcakes. After we paid, we went to the flower shop. Marisol found roses. I paid for those then dropped my sister off at home. I gave her, her cupcake.

"Don't eat it until you do your homework."

"Thank you!"

I unlocked the door and opened it.

"Lock the door."

She walked in and I shut the door. I made sure she locked it. I went to my car and fixed the flowers so they wouldn't fall. I ran into Luna while I was on my way to Emilia's hospital room.

"She's still sleeping. You can still go in."

I walked into the room. I used my foot to close the door. I walked up to the bed. I put everything down then moved hair out of her face.



"I'm back."

She opened her eyes and picked her head up.


"Are you okay?"

"No. I-I've been in pain on and off all day."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

She shrugged. I helped her sit up.


"I-I'm sorry."

I fixed the bed for her.

"I got you cupcakes like I said. Have you eaten today?"

"I-I had some jello earlier."

"Well, are you hungry now?"

She shook her head.

"I-I'm sorry."


"You're here and I'm like this."

I sat down next to her.

"It's fine."

"I didn't do any schoolwork like you asked. I didn't even read. Y-you were right. I-I needed to rest."

She put her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her.

"Do you want what I got you?"

"N-not right now."

She went home a few weeks later. I started going to her house to check on her. I walked into her room and she was working on something. I knocked on the wall.



She looks exhausted.

I walked up to her bed and sat down.

"You look exhausted."

"I-I am. I-I'm having trouble sleeping. I've uh...been sleeping with a pair of scissors under my pillow."

She lifted up her pillow and I saw scissors.

"D-do you really feel that unsafe?"

She nodded. I took them away from her.

"Hey! I need those!"

I put them on her side table.

"If you keep them there, you're gonna accidentally cut yourself."

She looked down.

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