Chapter 30

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Emilia's POV
"Do you take notes on what you think is important?"


She handed me a highlighter. I skimmed through the book. I started highlighting what I saw as important.

"Ah. Come here. I remember this part."

I told her what to write next to the paragraph. I felt someone hugging me from behind and a chin on my head. I looked up. I saw Devin. He looked exhausted.

"Hey baby. Do you feel any better?"

He shook his head. I got up and pulled out a chair. He sat down and I pushed in the chair.

"Are you hungry?"

He shrugged.

"Do you want me to make you something to eat in case you change your mind?"

He shrugged again.

"Alright. I won't."

He yawned.

"Go back to bed."

He shook his head. I moved hair out of his face. His eyes started fluttering.

"Dev, go back to sleep. I'll be up in a bit. Do you want help? How'd you get down here on your own?"

"I-I crawled."

"Even down the stairs?"


I stood up.

"I'll be right back. Let me get your brother back in bed. Keep reading. You're doing great."

She smiled. I helped Devin stand up. He fell back into the chair. I helped him stand up again. I wrapped one of his arms around my neck. I wrapped one of my arms around his body. We started walking up the stairs.

"You mister are going to sleep for a while."


"But what?"

"I wanted to see you."

"Aww should've texted me. Your phone is charging."

"I-it is?"

I helped him get back into his bed. I unplugged his phone.

"See? I charged it for you."

"T-thank you."

I pulled the blanket up to his chin.

"Stay in bed. I mean it."

"C-can you lay with me? J-just until...I fall asleep."

"Of course."

I laid down next to him. He put his head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around him. I started running my fingers through his hair.

"H-how was your day? Ca-can I hear about it while, I doze off?"


I started going through my day.

"I got more popcorn today. Me and Ruby as usual, ate all of it."

He chuckled.

"I-I'm glad, you're friends."

"I accidentally burned myself with a hot glue gun."

"O-oh no. A-are you okay?"

"Mhm. It's literally nothing. I ran it under some cold water."

"T-that's good."

He yawned. I kept talking to him. He stopped responding and I looked down. He was sleeping. I slid my hands underneath his head as I got up. I put his head down on the pillow. I went back downstairs and went back to helping Marisol.

"I'm sorry, I took so long. He asked me to lay with him."

"That's okay."

"How are you doing? Are you having trouble still?"

"I dunno."

"Alright well, I'll be doing my homework if, you need me."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

I went back to doing my homework. After a while, I went to check on Devin.


He's still sleeping.

I kissed his forehead again then walked away. I went downstairs and saw Marisol was packing up her things.

"Oh! You're done?"

"Mhm. I'm gonna ask my teacher for help with Math."

"Okay. That works."

I sat down and went back to doing my homework. A few hours later, Devin texted me and told me, he was awake. I walked up to his room. I opened the door. I walked in then shut the door.

"Dev? Are you still awake?"


He held his arms out.


I ran up to him and jumped onto his bed. He wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"How do you feel?"


"Is there anyway, I can help?"

"Let me touch you."


His hand went down my pants. He put two fingers in. I started trying to stay quiet. He got on top of me. He started kissing my neck. My heart started racing. My nails were digging into his shoulders.

What is this boy doing to me?!

"I still want you."

"Y-you do?"

"I can't have you right now. It's painful."


"Everyone is home."

"I-I can't ditch school tomorrow. The project..."

"I know. I can't make you stay here."

"I think...I get out at 12:15 tomorrow."

"I want to marry you."

My eyes widened.

"Y-you do?"

He's sick.

He's doesn't mean this.

I didn't notice but, he interlocked our fingers then pinned my hands above me. I looked up. My eyes widened. He started pressing himself against me more. I had to bite my tongue again.

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