Chapter 28

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Devin's POV
"Call your mom now."

"No. P-please don't bother her."

"Do it or you're getting suspended."

"Okay! Okay!"

I started calling my mom.

*Phone Call with Mom*
"H-hey mom."

"What's wrong?"

"I-I have a problem. Someone is going around saying me and the guys were selling marijuana a-and I've been home all week right?"

"Yes. I've been home with you. Are you with Mr. Johnson?"

"Yeah. I-I am. The guys are with me too. I-I already called Emi."

"I'm sorry. You got told to call me and Emilia as your alibi?"


"He's been home sick in his room all week. He only left once to go to the doctor's. He had the flu. Why are you doing this in front of his friends?"

"I'm trying to rule him out."

"I-I'm already sick to my stomach over this."

"He looks green, Maya!"

"Devin, go home and rest. You're gonna get worse if you don't."

"I-I can't."

"I'm telling you to go home. I'll get you another doctor's note. You're technically still sick."

"Yeah, you gotta go home."

"I'm not done talking to him yet."

"Oh come on!"

"Devin, I am coming there to sign you out. You are going home to rest. Alright?"

"I-I have to pick up Em."

"I'll pick her and your sister up. I don't want you driving for long."

"I-it's only 15 minutes."

"I don't care. Tell her, I'm getting her. I'm gonna tell Luna too. I'll see you in not even 20 minutes. Love you."

"Love you too."

*End of Phone Call*
"There. I called them. Can I please leave?"

"I'll be keeping an eye on you."

"Yeah. Th-that's fine. I-I have to puke."

I ran to the nurse's office. I threw up in her bathroom. My mom came and signed me out. She followed me home. She made sure, I got back in bed.

"Mom, I-I told her, I'd get her."

"Stop. You threw up once, you'll probably do it again."

"Okay. Okay. Thank you."

She left and I changed. I texted Emilia and told her everything.

Emilia's POV
Devin: Got sent home. My mom is picking you up. I'm sorry. You know me. Stress like this makes me sick. I threw up in school. I'm sick to my stomach. I'm probably gonna be asleep when you get here. Feel free to do what you want.

Oh no.

"Is that Devin again?"

"Yeah. Poor baby is sick because he's stressed. Something happened at his school and he's being accused."

I showed Ruby the text.

"Oh god. What are they saying he did?"

"Selling a certain item."

She gasped.

"He'd never! Especially after what happened to Shannon."

"He was also in bed sick."

"Are you gonna wear a mask again?"

"No. He's sick due to stress now. I think, I'll be okay."

I started trying to glue things onto the restaurant model we made. I burned myself with the hot glue gun. I winced.


I ran over to the sink and ran my hand under cold water. I dried my hands then went back over to Ruby.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. My finger slipped. It's literally nothing. How many chairs do we need?"

"I think, 3 or 4."

"Ah. Okay. Is the bar almost done?"

"Yeah. I'm about to glue it. Can you hold it so it doesn't fall?"

I held the bar Ruby made. I started counting. I got to 30 seconds and let go. It didn't fall."

"Woo! Another thing down!"

"I love this class."

"Me too."

"Oh! If I get popcorn, are you gonna eat some?"

"Duh. Obviously."

I went up to my teacher and handed him $1. He handed me a bag of popcorn.

"Thank you!"

I rushed back over to my table. I put the popcorn bag down we started eating. My phone went off. I looked at it.

"Hold up. It's Dev."

"Is he calling you?"

"No. He's probably nauseous as hell."

Devin: My mom is keeping me home for the new few days until this all dies down. She gave me one of my anxiety pills. I'll definitely be asleep when you get here. I love you.

"How bad?"

"Maya gave him, his anxiety pill. It's that bad. She's keeping him home until this shit show dies down."

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