Chapter 17

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Emilia's POV
"T-thank you."

I walked to a seat and sat down.

"How do you feel?"

"I-I'm okay. I wasn't expecting this."

My teacher walked up to me and handed me a card. I opened it. My entire class signed it. In my one class, our teacher has a popcorn machine in the room. It's normally $1 but he gave me a free bag.

"T-thank you."

"If you need more time for the project, let me know."

"O-oh. Th-thank you. My boyfriend and Ruby have been helping. I started the design for the restaurant."

I took my things out of my bag and pulled out my sketch book. I started pointing out the details. Ruby started listening.

"So here's the kitchen. There's a play area for kids. It's right by the tables. There's tables inside the actual area too."

"Is this a fast food place?"

"Hmmm. I haven't gotten that far. I was just working on what Ruby told me."

"This is really detailed. How long have you been working on this?"

"About a week or two? Devin's been helping."

" helping you draw?"

"He's not drawing. He's been helping me color and come up with ideas. Okay so here is the bar. There's 12 seats around it. So 6 on one side and 6 on the other. They're spaced out so there's extra room. There's kids tables in this section and regular seats. Parents can sit in regular seats while, their kids sit at the tables. There's security cameras all around. There's some in the front of the bathroom doors."

Ruby pointed to an area.

"Are these the bathrooms?"

"Mhm. There's 5 regular sized stalls and then there's 3 big ones. They're able to fit a wheelchair."

"Keep this up, you might pass the rest of the year."

"That's my plan! I love this class. I can be creative."

"Do you know what, you're gonna do when you graduate? Are you gonna do something with design or art? Are you going to college?"

"No. I'm not focusing on that. College, I'm not doing. I can hardly handle high school. Okay so, back to this. I even made the parking lot. There's 7 handicap spots. There's the pole that says everything and the spots are blue. The spots in white are the spaces to take out wheelchairs and set them up."

"Holy shit."

I finished explaining.

"So I have some empty boxes from when I moved. My mom said, I can bring a few in so we can see what size we want to use."

"I like it. Keep it up girls."

Our teacher walked away. Me and Ruby went back to designing our restaurant. We started talking about making the menu. Ruby started writing down ideas.

"Oooo. We can do a burger place! I'm learning how to make them! My mom's been teaching me! I could show you too!"

"Oooo. That sounds good."

"We'll just have to make it then bring it and heat it up. Or we could wrap it in foil."

"I'm sure, we'll figure it out."

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