Chapter 34

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Emilia's POV
"Hey Dev? When I'm done, can we finally play that game? We've never had a chance to."

"The game you got me when I was sick?"

I nodded.

"Sure. We keep putting it off."

"Yeah. Other games came out. I was starting to didn't like it."

"No no. Baby I do. We just haven't gotten around to playing it."

He kissed me.

"Go shower. Don't rush."

"Fuck! I didn't get a razor. I wasn't thinking. I-I don't feel good."

"It's okay. You already have some here. Don't you remember?"

"N-no. I-I told you. My mind is all over the place."

He moved hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear.

"Go shower."

"I don't have clothes. I should've gotten some. I-I'm sorry."

"Hey it's okay. I have clothes for you. You always leave some here."

"I-I'm sorry. I-I can't think."

"It's okay. Go shower. I'll put your clothes in there for you."

I grabbed the shampoo bottle then ran up to his bathroom. I started the water in the shower. I sat down on the floor while it heated up. Devin walked in holding clothes. He put them on the counter.

"I grabbed one of my shirts for you."

My head popped up.

"Y-you did?"

He sat down next to me.

"Yeah. It's your favorite one too."

"You're football one?!"

"Mhm. It's on the counter."

I jumped up and looked at the shirt. I smiled.

"Okay shoo. Shoo. I have to put another pad on. It's not smart to put one on after you get out of the shower. It doesn't stick."

His eyes widened.

"What? I thought, you didn't get grossed out?"

"I-I don't's 2 am and I wasn't expecting that comment."

He left the bathroom and shut the door. I opened a new pad and put it on. I wrapped the old one in the wrapper and toilet paper. I threw it out. I took off the rest of my clothes then got in the shower.

This feels so good.

I listened to him. I didn't rush. I got out of the shower and got dressed. I dried my hair a bit. I walked out of his bathroom and saw he was sleeping. I walked over to the bed and laid down next to him.

He woke up before me. I know this because, I felt him get up. I started feeling around for him. I opened my eyes and he was gone. I heard laughing and got up. I didn't bother getting ready. I walked down the stairs and saw Devin and his friend Oliver. They were playing a video game in the game room. The tv was so fuckin loud. My head was pounding.

"Hey pretty girl."

I started staring at Devin.

"I do not look pretty right now. Can you guys lower it? I-I've got a headache."

"No. It's more sick when it's loud."

I put my head down.

"Dude, turn it down. She doesn't feel good. She had a shitty night."

"Why should I care? She's annoying anyway."

Devin paused the video game.

"Get out of my house."


"Did you honestly just ask me that?"

"Uh yeah. Why should I leave?"

"You just disrespected her. I hate when people do that."

"Oh boo hoo Devin."

"What is wrong with you?!"

"She wants me to lower the volume!"

"N-never mind. I-I'll just cover my ears. I-I apologize."

Devin ran after me.

"I-I am so sorry about him. I-I honestly....have no clue what's going on."

"Maybe...he's going through something."

"Th-that doesn't make what he just did right. You know how much, that shit pisses me off."

"I do. nice. I've been called worse. I-it's okay."

I started walking away. He grabbed my hand.

"You're a horrible liar. Emi, I know you. You're gonna go in my room and cry yourself to sleep."

"I-I'm okay. I-I'll bother you if, I need to."

"You never bother me."

He let me go. I ran up to his room and started getting ready.


We were supposed to start the game.

Should I tell him?

I slowly walked to the game room. I took a deep breath.



"Y-you said...we could start the game....d-did you forget?"

"No no. I didn't forget. Oliver just showed up. I didn't invite him."

"Y-you didn't?"

"No. I promised, we play it. You can sit with us if you want."

I shook my head.

"Y-you heard him. I'm annoying."

"See what you fuckin did?"

"I'm sorry but, you know how I get when it comes to games. I didn't even disrespect her. Calling her a certain word, would be disrespectful."

Devin paused the game again.

"Okay. You're done. Get out."

Oliver got up and hurried over to me. He raised his hand.

"If you do it..."

Devin grabbed Oliver's wrist.

"Touch her and you're dead."

Oliver slapped me with his other hand. A tear fell. Devin clenched his fists and jaw.

"Devin please don't do it. Please."

He nodded.

"So she fuckin controls you now?!"

"Get out!"

Oliver slammed me up against the wall. He started lifting my shirt up.

"Woah! No!"

Devin ripped him away from me.

"Dude, my dad's literally a cop!"

I ran and hid behind Devin.

"Out! Now! I'm the only one who can do that!"

"Oh? I don't see a ring!"

"What does a ring have to do with anything?!"

Oliver gave up and ran out of the house. Devin ran over to the door and locked it. He ran back to me.

"Are you okay?"

"I-I'll be fine."

"I-I'm really sorry. I-I don't know what just happened."

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