Chapter 32

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Devin's POV
"Can you try to eat something for me?"

"I-I guess."

She helped me stand up. We went to the kitchen and started looking for something for me to eat. I broke down.

"Baby, what just happened?"

"I-I don't want to get arrested!"

She ran over to me and started hugging me.

"You're not getting arrested."

"I-I can't! I-I'll fuckin lose you!" I said as my voice cracked.

"No, you won't."

"H-how do you know?!"

"Shhhh. I know you. If you said you didn't do it, then you didn't do it."

"I'm fuckin scared to go back!"

"Oh no. I was worried about this."

My mom and sister walked into the kitchen.

"We got you ice cream! Oh no! You're crying!

"Mari go play."


Marisol ran off.

"What's wrong?"

"H-he's scared to go to school now."

"I knew this would happen. I already took care of it."

I sniffled.

"You'll start school with Emilia and Ruby on Friday. Tomorrow, you are going to get your things and return what you need to. I'm unenrolling you tomorrow. I already talked to your father."

I started hugging my mom. I broke down more. In the morning, I looked like an actual mess.

"I'm sorry, I can't go with you. I-I'll check on you at lunch. Okay?"

I nodded. My mom brought me back to school and did what I had to. I walked into the office and saw, she was unenrolling me. She was yelling at the principal. I started trying to drag her away.

"My son, is scared to be here because of this!"

"I can't help it."

"Mom? C-can we go?"

I heard talking and the office door opened.



I'm caught.

I laughed awkwardly.

"H-hey Frank."

"You're ditching us?"

I shook my head.

"I-it's not like that. I-I'm actually scared to be here. I-I was sick all day yesterday."

"Where are you going?"

I didn't answer. My mom finished her argument and we went back to the car.

"Do you have your lock?"

"Yeah. I have it."

On Friday, I started at school with my cousin and Emilia. I was able to pick Emilia up on the way to school. I parked and we got out. I locked my car.

"You are going to love this one class."

She grabbed my hand and showed me where my locker is.

"Oh! It's right by mine!"

We met up with Ruby. My morning classes were with her. The both of them were in my afternoon classes and lunch. At lunch, I found Emilia on line and walked up to her.

"Hey! How's your day going?"

"Okay. I feel good here. Nobody knows me so I won't be labeled as a "dick" or anything."

We got our food and went to a table.

We sat down and started eating. Ruby ran up to us and sat down.

"Hi! I'm here! I-I was helping my history teacher."

She took out her food and started eating.

"Okay so, you're obviously joining our group for the project."

Emilia took out a sketchbook and opened it. It was a draft of the restaurant they were working on.

"So, this is what we're doing."

She started explaining everything to me.

"We're almost done."

"It's mostly glueing now."

During that class, we walked over to a work station. We put everything down then Ruby went and got the model. She brought it back over and put it down. Emilia brought me to get a hot glue gun and glue. We walked back to our work station and she plugged the hot glue gun in.

"Okay. Let's let that heat up."

They started going through and examining the model.

"Hmm. This looks off to me."

"What does?"

She pointed to a picture on the inside of the model.

"You're right. It does seem a bit off."

I got closer to the model.

"Ah! It fell! Dev, hold this."

I started holding what she told me to. I was actually happy in school for once. I was able to have a different reputation. I liked that I could spend time with Emilia and Ruby every day. I got new friends. I stopped talking to my old friends. My family moved closer to the school. One night, Emilia showed up at my house at 1:30 in the morning. I heard the front door open the shut. I heard running. I knew who it was based on the footsteps.

Emilia threw my bedroom open and ran into my room. I looked up at her. She had tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong? Why are you here this late?"

She sat down in front of me.

"My dad found us."

"O-oh god."

"M-my head is all over the place. I'm sick as hell because of my period. I-I'm all hormonal..I have cramps that are horrible. I-I want to just curl up into a goddamn ball and cry. N-now my dad?"

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