Chapter 39

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                    Emilia's POV
"Please relax. I didn't understand anything you just said."

I took a deep breath then explained.

"I'm getting tired. Can you show me how to make the smoothie tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Sure."

We got ready for bed then laid down. We said "Goodnight" then went to sleep. I woke up a few times in the middle of night to go the bathroom. I woke Devin up because, I was struggling to get comfortable. I started crying.

"I just wanna sleep!"

"Come here. Don't lay on your back."

I rolled over onto my side. Devin wrapped his arms around me.

"It's okay. Breathe. I'm right here. Shhh."

I started to calm down after a while. I managed to fall back asleep. I woke up in bed alone. I stood up. I started walking around looking for Devin.

"Dev? Where are you?"

"In the kitchen hon!"

I walked to the kitchen. He was making breakfast.


I walked up to him.

"Morning. Happy Valentine's Day."

"Happy Valentine's Day."

"How do you feel? Any better?"

"Eh. I just woke up so I'm not sure yet."

I went to jump on the counter but he stopped me.



He turned off the stove. He started kissing me.

"I know you said, you don't want to go anywhere but, do you want to go on a drive with me?"

"I-I've been peeing like every 15 minutes."

"Then, we'll go somewhere for you to go to the bathroom."

I looked down.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't you think, I'll just ruin it?"

"Okay. We won't do it then."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

He turned the stove on and went back to cooking.

"Y-you're not mad?"

"No. You don't want to do it so we won't."

"I-is anything done yet?"

He pointed to the food that was already done.

"You don't have to wait for me."

"A-are you sure?"

"Yeah. It's fine."

I grabbed a plate and got food. I got utensils then went to sit down.

"You forgot a drink."


I put my plate down on the table. I walked over to the cabinet. I grabbed a cup. I opened the fridge. I saw sports drinks.

"Devin? Why'd you buy these?"

"So you could drink them."

"I-I probably can't."

"The paperwork said you can. Just have to watch your sugar. It'll help when you're dehydrated. I made you a smoothie. It's on the door."

I looked at the shelf on the door. I saw a pink smoothie. I took it out of the fridge and closed it.

"Thank you Devy."

"You're welcome. I ran to the bookstore while you were sleeping."

"Y-you did?"

"Yeah. That author you like has a new book out. It came out today so that was the first thing I did. I'll get it for you in a minute. I'd like you to eat first. I know you. Once your nose is in a book, it's not coming up out."

"You're right."

"I'm horrible at surprises so, I'm just gonna tell you now. I got you 4 more books. They're all different genres. I read the description and picked out ones you might like."


"You always get me stuff I like. Since you might be resting a lot so I wanted to give you something to distract yourself."

"Awww. I love you!"

"I love you too."

"H-how long was I sleeping?"

"I think, 8 or 9 hours. You were up a lot plus, you look cute when you sleep."

He finished cooking then got what he needed and walked over to me and sat down.

"How is it?"

"Really good."

"Phew. That's a relief. I was worried. It's stuff based on the paperwork. I wanted to at least make it taste decent. I'm trying to push anything on that. I-I just want you three to be healthy."

"I know baby. Thank you."

"I even called the doctor when they opened. I wrote down what I needed. I uh..scheduled an appointment with a dietitian. I-I know, I should've gone to you first."

"Making an appointment like that for me is fine. You don't need to ask me. You always make appointments for me when I'm sick. When's the appointment?"

"Next Friday at 2:30 in the afternoon. I'm taking the day off. I already called out. We can go baby shopping afterwards if you feel okay."


He's putting so much thought and effort into this.

I wonder why.

"Hey uh...why are you trying so hard? I know you love kids but...I've never seen you like this."

"I just....want to get this right. I NEED to get this one thing right on the first try. I-I lost you once. I still regret it."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Didn't want to upset you."

We finished eating then cleaned up. I went to get dressed. Devin just stayed shirtless. I sat in his lap and started reading one of my new books. He was watching one of his shows.

"How's the book?"

"Really good. Thank you."

"What one is that?"

"The one from my favorite author. They went in a different direction this time. It's completely different than the others."

He turned off his show and started playing a game. I picked my head up and looked at the tv.

"Is this one of the ones I got you?"

"Yeah. It started downloading while you were sleeping."

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