Chapter 10

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Devin's POV

"Oh god. We're doing that?"

"You know me. Please?"

"Okay. Okay. I promise."


I kissed her forehead then ran out of the room. I went home and quickly got ready for school. Marisol ran up to me.

"Time for my daily check in!"

"She's fine. Don't worry. She's upset, I left but, I'll make it up to her. I always do."

"You have a lot to make up for."

"I hate the fact, you're right."

I dropped my sister off at her school then went to mine. I was almost late.


I took too long at the hospital!

I don't have time to go to my locker!

The first bell already rang!

I ran like my ass was on fire to my first class. I made it 5 seconds before the late bell rang. I started trying to catch my breath.

"Ah. How nice of you to join us Devin."

"I-I'm sorry."

"Did you just apologize?"

If looks could kill, my friend Joey would have daggers in his head.

"Take a seat. Take out your textbook. We're continuing yesterday."


I walked over to the only empty desk and sat down. I opened my backpack and took out my history book. I was actually paying attention for once.

"Are you...taking notes?"

"Shh. Emi's gonna kill me if, I don't pay attention."

I started participating in my classes too. I wasn't bullshitting with anyone like usual. At lunch, I was actually working on homework. I would take breaks to text Emilia to check on her. I could feel my friends staring.

"Why are you fuckers, staring at me?"

"What's going on with you?"

"Why did you mention Emilia getting mad if, you didn't pay attention? And why the FUCK are you actually doing homework without looking up the answers?"

"Don't tell me. Did you leave Sally for Emilia?"

Caleb gasped.

"You did!"

"Is there a problem?"

"Wow. I did not see this coming."

"Speaking of Sally...did you guys hear, she shot someone?"

"Uh yeah. I saw it. It was right in front of my house."

"Wh-who'd she shoot?"

I started staring at Frank.

"Who do you think?"

His jaw dropped and his eyes widened.


"Yep. It was fuckin' awful. There's still blood on the concrete."

"H-how is she?"

"Just woke up yesterday."

"Doesn't answer the question."

"She's in pain. She has 40 stitches in her side. How do you think, she feels?"


"Why were you almost late?"

"Wait, "Almost"?! He's been here all day?!"

"Yeah. I'm shocked too."

"She asked me to change."

"And you're listening?"

"You would too."

I cleared my throat.


"Oh no."

"Here we go again."

"The fuck does that mean?!"

"We're about to get another love lecture."

"Uh no. You're not."


"I don't believe you."

"You guys don't know Lia, like I do. I know things, you'll never know."

"Is she like a hooker or something?"

I stepped on Richard's foot.

"Bite your tongue!"

"Woah. Excuse me."

"To answer your fucked up question, no. She's not. Say some stupid shit like that again and, you'll be the one in a hospital bed."

He gulped.

"Yep. He loves her."

"No? Really? I couldn't tell." Riley said sarcastically.

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