Chapter 27

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Emilia's POV
"I'm causing problems."

"No no. Caleb's just being Caleb. Please stay. I love you staying here."


"You're out of line here. She's been taking care of me. I'm feeling better."

"She's gonna get sick."

"So? I'll take care of her then. Can you like...back off. She's also going through something right now."

"So hooking up-"

"Watch it."

He threw his hands up.

"You've been out for a week now."

"And I'll be back in a day or two. Your point?"

Me and Devin went back to our schools the next day. Ruby ran up to me and started hugging me.



"How's Dev?"


"Woah! Your neck!"

"Shit! Y-you can see that?!"

Devin's POV
"There he is! He's alive!"

"Oh ha ha. I'm gonna for a week and you all start planning my eulogy."

"You dropped off the face of the earth."

"I was sick in bed."

" were all over your girl."

I gave Caleb the finger.


"You walked in on us."


"Relax. We had clothes on."

"You were just all over her."

I stepped on his foot.

"She's my girl. I can do whatever."

We all got called to the office. When that happens, it's never good. We all started walking to the office. We got into the office and waited.

"What did you do now?"

The principal opened the door. We all walked in and she shut the door.

"Is everything okay? I've been staying out of trouble."

"Take a seat."

We all started looking at each other.

Oh no.

That's never good.

We all sat down at the table.

"I've been hearing some rumors about you 5."

I raised my hand.

"I haven't been here for a week. I honestly have no idea what's going on for once."

I put my hand down.

"Why am I hearing rumors of you all selling marijuana?"


"Woah! Since when?!"

"Last week."

"Oh no. No no no. I had nothing to with this. I-I have been home sick for a week. I-I only left the house once to go to the doctor."

"Can anyone confirm that?"

"Y-yeah. M-my mom's been home with me. She drove me to the doctor. My security cameras are on 24/7. My girlfriend's been checking on me. S-she even spent the night last night."

"Who's your girlfriend?"

"D-does that really matter? She doesn't even go to this school anymore."

"Where does she go?"


"Can you call her right now?"

I looked at the clock.

"Uhhh....I guess?"

I took out my phone and started calling Emilia.

*Phone Call with Emilia*

"Hi. I have a bit of a problem."

"Oh no."

"Y-you know where I've been all week right?"

"Yeah. I've been checking on you like every 15 or 20 minutes. I've been at your house every day. What's going on? Did you do something? We've talked about this."

"No. No. I didn't do anything. I-I swear."

"So to be clear, he's been where he said he has?"

"Yeah. Dev what's going on?"

"Someone's saying, me and the guys were selling weed."


"Yeah. That's why, I needed to call you. I've never touched drugs. I'm never going to. You know what happened with my cousin."

"Yeah. I know."

"I'm already sick to my stomach about this."

"Is that Devin?"

"Yeah. I-it's me. Hey Ruby."

"Gotta go. We're almost done with this assignment. You're still picking me up, yeah?"

"Y-yeah. I-I'll see you later. Love you."

"Love you too."

*End of Phone Call*
"I'm sorry but this is embarrassing."

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