Chapter 16

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Emilia's POV
"Hey. Look at me."

He used his index finger to lift my head up.

"How can I help?"

I shrugged.

"I-I don't know."

"Do you want me to start sleeping here?"

"I don't want you to get in trouble."

"When's the last time you slept? Be honest."

"A few days ago."

"Lay down. I'll stay."

I was too tired to even try to get out of it. I moved what I was working on. I just laid down. When I was allowed to go back to school, Ruby ran up to me. He started hugging me.

"Hey! You're back!"


"I talked to Devin. Do you still need help with anything else?"

I shook my head.

"Thanks anyway."

I got to my locker and it was decorated.

"Wh-what's all this?"

"It's a "Welcome back" gift."

I unlocked it and pieces of paper fell out.

"There's notes for you."

"Y-you guys did all this for me?"

I picked up the pieces of paper and started reading them.

"D-did Dev tell you to do this?"

"No. This was all my idea. Everyone was able to be in on it."

"H-how many people did this?"

"Most of the school including teachers."

"I-I don't know what to say. I-I don't deserve this. I-I don't."


I looked up and saw my ear buds hanging in front of me.

"Missing something?"

I turned around and saw Devin.

"Oh! Tha-thanks. I-I didn't know. Look what they did to my locker."

"I know. Ruby's really proud. I gotta run."

He kissed me then ran away. My face started to heat up.



I shoved everything back into my locker. I closed it then locked it. I started walking to my first class.

"How're things going with him?"

"Well. It's been an interesting few months."

"Are you able to do gym?"

"Depends on what we're doing. I can't jump."

"No jumping jacks for you then."

I chuckled.

"Exactly. If we're doing badminton again, I should be okay. I just stand and run."

"Are you on anything still?"

"Yeah. Non prescription pain killers. Oh! That reminds me, I have to go drop off my papers and my medication to the nurse. You can come if you want."

We started walking to the nurse's office. I walked in and handed in everything.

"Welcome back!"

"Thank you! I feel like, I haven't been here in a year."

"How often do you have to take these?"

"4 hours if needed. I take two. I'll ask for it when I need it."

"Okay. Get to class to, the bell rings."

"Bye! Thanks again!"

Me and Ruby made our way to class.

"So, back to you and Dev."

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not asking for details. That's ew. He's my cousin."

"The fact you said that, concerns me."

"The fact I thought it, concerns me."

"As it should."

We got to our class and walked in. Everyone started clapping. I froze.

They're clapping for me?

A tear slid down my face and wiped it away.

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