Chapter 5

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Emilia's POV
"Okay. Sure. I can't tomorrow though. I promised Marisol, we'd have a movie day."

"Aw. That's okay."

Maybe she knows.

"What's wrong with Devin? He's not him."

"Hmm. I'm actually not sure. Personally, I think Sally's behind this. If you think about it, he's been like this for what? 3 years now? And that's how long, he's known her."

"Huh. That's true."

The bell rang and we went to class. All of my classes ended up being with Ruby. I kept my promise to Marisol. I picked her up at her house.

Devin's POV
I waited outside with my sister.

She's not gonna show up.

There's no way.

Marisol kept staring at her phone. She was watching the time.

"Alright. She's obviously not coming."

"She promised!"

A car pulled into the driveway.


Emilia got out of her car and my sister ran up to her.

"You're here!"

"Hey! Of course, I am! I did promise!"

She looks amazing.

Should I, say "Hi" or something?

I cleared my throat.

"H-hey Lia."

"Hey Devin."

We started staring at the ground.

"Y-you uh...look good."

"T-thanks. Congrats by the way."

"Oh. That was fake. Thanks though."

"Let's go Mari."

She went to walk away. I grabbed her hand.

"Wait. I-I think, we have to talk."

She took my hand off hers. I grabbed it again.

"Let me go."

"I-I'll fix things."

"I-I can't trust you anymore. I just can't."

I let her go.

"I-I can change."

She shrugged.

"Show me. I want my best friend back."

"Come on! Let's go! We're gonna be late!"

Marisol jumped into Emilia's car.

Am I seriously about to do this?


I ran up to Emilia. I threw her up against her car and started kissing her.

"You you know what, you just did? Sally's gonna kill you."

"Not if, she doesn't find out."

My phone went off. I took it out of my pocket and rolled my eyes.

"And I gotta go. Riley's a dumbass. If I don't go pick him up, he's gonna be a jail for the night. Bloody idiot."

I ran inside to try my car keys. I ran back outside and saw Emilia's car was still in the driveway.

"Oh! You're still here?"

"Huh? O-oh."

She jumped into her car then I went to pick up my dumbass friend. I walked into the police station and walked up to a desk.

"I'm here to pick up my dumbass friend Riley Loyd."

"He's over on that bench."

I walked over to the bench and saw Riley handcuffed to it. He was sleeping. I stepped on his foot.

"Up. Get up."

He mumbled something.

Can't do much.

I am in a police station after all.

I started shaking him. He jumped up.

"Hey moron."

A cop unlocked the handcuff.

"What did you do now? Driving while dumb?"

"Yeah basically."

"Come on. Let's get you home."

I dropped him off at his house. Sally lives next to him. She pulled into her driveway and ran up to me. She slapped me. I started laughing.

"What's so funny?!"

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