hearts in pain

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The ice covers my heart
A steely armor that tears us apart
Pain that rips and tears me asunder
The crack of bone sounds like thunder
Amidst the screams and cries for help
Rises a girl who loves herself

That girl is me,
A phoenix born from the ashes,
The ashes of myself
That broken girl needs my help
So I take her hand in mine,
And lift her from the abyss in time

I wash away all the tears and all the pain
We have much to lose and much to gain
But I dive down deep into our soul
To bring back out the light that glows
And cast it down through the heavens

We let our light rain down,
Down to the darkness which held us
Down to the darkness which swallowed us
And let that light fill every part of it,
Every part of us
Until it grows and blossoms
Into a heart unbroken
A soul so outspoken

Like a phoenix, rising from the ashes
We rise up and send our light through the dark
And when we sink down once more, into the ashes
Into oblivion that waits for us
We know that we carry our own light inside us
And nothing and no one can blow it out

Poetry Book: Songs from the Heart [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now