youre my ....

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You're my butterfly
Flying high
Dancing in the sky
Among the clouds
Surfing the breeze,
Peacefully being free

You're my lover,
Loving like no other
Being yourself
Loving me, haunting me
Kissing my lips
You're the breath in my lungs
The blessed ice to my heat

You're my nightingale
A beacon of freedom
Won't let the world stop you
What can we do?
It seems as if the world is trying so hard
So hard to crush you

You're my peace,
The very blood in my veins
And you make me whole
I just want you to know

You're my muse,
My music I always listen to
The voice in the night
When nothings alright
You're always there
To hold me high

You're my person,
The one I love
And no matter what,
I can't get enough
You're my everything
My heart, my soul
And I'll love you
Forever more

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