open wounds

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My heart is about open wound
One that was shredded apart by words
Words you'd spat in hatred and anger
Leaving me unaware of the danger
Locked in my own body as I scream
But the open wound in my heart
Prevents me from cleaving it apart

I am trapped in a broken body
My heart, a bleeding, gaping wound
I know the heartbreak will break me soon
And it'll all be your fault
Do you still speak with such bitter salt?

But no matter how much I break,
I'll rise up again like a phoenix above your snake
You're a vile, twisted heart
And you tried to tear me apart
Your words hit me like a dart

Alone again, with my open wound
My gaping, bleeding heart
Torn asunder by your dark arts
I was the broken canvas on which
You blasted with your black paint
You smeared the black with red all over me
Until I couldn't even see
Or be seen

I am the broken doll you threw away
Locked me up and kept me astray
Tore me from my home, my friends
Then, once you were done, you shattered me

I am the open wound in my heart
But here are the words I must impart —

I refuse to be your canvas
Your doll
Your dark and twisted art
My heart cleaved in two,
My mind shattered amongst the tombs

I may have my open wounds
But that does not mean
That I belong to you

Poetry Book: Songs from the Heart [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now