free falling

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I don't know what to do or say
I'm just so isolated
So isolated
I don't know what to do

Things aren't the way I wish they'd be
I keep hoping it'll change
But it doesn't change at all
And no matter what I do
I feel like I am locked in a free fall

Nothing can save me,
Nothing can help me
I just keep falling, falling, falling apart

Nothing makes sense anymore
I love you, you know
But I can't have you
So it's just sadness that greets me
Each time I see you
When I see your face light up
When someone says I've entered the chat

When you hear my voice and I make you laugh
I wish I could have you
But things are not so black and white
I'm sick, and not well
And so, I live in hell

I need a reprieve so that I can breathe
So please help me and let me believe
That things are going to be okay between us
Even if we can't be together
I want to be friends
But no matter what I say or do,
I feel like I'm....
Not good enough for you

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