disabled isnt a bad word

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They preach tolerance and positivity
But all they're doing is killing people like me
Wanting us to believe
That we want what's best for them,
And fuck everyone else
Say to believe in yourself
Never doubt their hive mind mentality

One says it's bad,
They all say it's worse
One says it's good
They all think it's cursed

No one knows why people act this way
And no one cares what I have to say
But they may treat me like I'm lesser
That I'm subhuman, they're suppressors
Acting all high and mighty
Self-righteous and claiming to have
God's best interests at heart
But they use faith like a weapon
No one cares about your religion

I did not ask you what you think
I'm just explaining my experiences
With those who believe themselves superior
To their kindred spirits

You see, people have always used things
To control other people
To kill those they don't align with
Those who don't fit into the mold
But their hearts have grown cold
I'm not saying mine is gold
I'm saying that this isn't right

"Disabled" isn't a dirty word
I don't care what you've heard

I am disabled, yeah, so what?
I'm still human
No matter what

I'll rise up from your hatred
Your ignorance, your blissfully jaded
Your hearts are so dark
So impure and spiteful
You fail to see how delightful
The world can truly be
When you're filled with poisonous hatred
For your fellow human beings

So next time you think that you can spew your vitriol
And curse those different from you
Just remember the truth
One day, our ailments could come to you

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