depression poem

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Nothing even matters now
Nothing ever will
I'm lost and trapped
But still,
Still, I persist
Still, I move on
And still, I rise up

The depression wraps its tendrils around me
It locks me up and throws away the key
And I'm left wondering if all I've seen
Will one day break me

Is today the day it all comes down?
Is today the day I drown?

My demons rage and scream
They tear at my soul
And shred my flesh
Ripping me apart
Like I'm a freak
They always told me I was
They treat me like a monster
One to hate and fear
One to mock and jeer

The voices break my mind's walls
Tear them down like nothing
I am nothing, or so they say
I'm starting to wonder
If they're telling the truth
Or if they are lying too

Who all is lying to me?
And who's telling the truth?

It's all so hard to decide
If you're truly the one
Who they should hate and despise

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