this is hell

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I'm suffering,
Crying out, begging for it to stop
But nothing answers these prayers
I'm lost and unaware
They've shoved me away, sealed the lock
It's best to not let down your guard
When they're trying to stop your heart

This is where they call you names
Mock you, taunt you,
Seal you away
Locking the doors and windows
Giving you no choice but to stay

So this is hell,
The place they talked about
And here I am, trapped
When I pointed out what they lacked
Now they keep me prisoner

This is hell,
A place where you can't escape
No matter how hard you may try
Begging and crying
We are brought down way below
Shoved in cages and chained up

So this is where I'm living now,
A place they're trying to carve
My heart apart
Hell is my home now,
So I'll don my horns
Shatter my halo,
Darken the wings in my back

I carved my halo
Into horns
And darkened my wings
So I'd fit in
And rule this place of sin

Hell is my new home,
So welcome your new queen
She's ruling the demons
And conquering their darkness
Hell is my kingdom,
As the black sheep of my family,
They said I'd be going here all along
So now, this is my new song

So, this is hell
A place where I am well
Lost in a torrent of fear,
They taunt me, mock me,
Lock me away
But I've broken free
So now, I can be
The true me

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