idk im sad

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Under locks and keys
With countless mysteries
I beg and I plead
But no one hears me
No one can see
All that's happening to me

I want to scream and break free
But I don't know how to get out of here
This depression spiral is getting worse
And I am hitting rock bottom over again

Maybe if I can reach the bottom
I can only go up from there
I mean, sure, it is horrible there
But you can only go up from its abyss

I don't want to be lost to the darkness
But I don't know how to pull myself out
Just take my hand and help me out
It's hard to believe that I can be myself
When all I do is feel hate from others

It's hard to be me
But I can see
That who I am is what I'm meant to be

So take my hand
And help me out
As I try to survive
The darkness inside

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