Boarding school (karlity) 💠

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Karl x Quackity
Fluff💠 for now
Song: IDK☹️
Did somebody say possible mini series???😳

Quackity just got dropped off at his destination.
It was Sunday,the almost first day of the week.
He was getting dropped off  at a house,a house that wasn't his.
This was a "the worlds rudest kids get sent to the worlds strictest parents" situation.
Except the parents weren't that rude,they were just religious and lived on a farm.
Quackity had been "misbehaving" for a few years now,and his parents had enough of him.

What do you do when your kid has a hard time doing normal tasks and acts out? Get them tested for any behavioral disorders? Talk to them? Set boundaries? You send them to different parents!
This was perfect for Quackitys parents,because this was far away,far far away somewhere in the country,a small village that had a boarding school uphill.
Technically,since Quackity was an adult,he didn't really need a place to be since he'd be living on campus when the holidays end,but somehow that "didn't work out".

Quackity use to love his parents,draw them pictures,make them breakfast,doing normal kids stuff,but you don't realize the problems going on around you when your 5.
Growing up,he realized his parents were unreliable,or just not good parents,so he decided to try his best to be away from home anytime he could be.
Plus,they felt like someone had to make an effort to have a healthy relationship,so his mom decided they should both take somewhat drastic measures.
But anyways,he stepped out of the car with his suitcases,and looked at the farm infront of him.

Quackity sighed.
"Not to bad,right?"
His mom said,not bothering to get out of the car.
Quackity looked back at her with no expression.
His mom put her hand on his cheek and lightly caressed it.
Mom:"you'll be okay loves you.."
Quackity put her hand away,holding back tears.
His mom took one last look at him before turning to the wheel.

Mom:"see you on the other side?"
Quackity:"...see you on the other side,mom.."
His mom sniffed and drove away.
An inside joke Quackity wouldn't really bother explaining.
Quackity exhaled and wiped his tears before looking at the otiosity infront of him.
Some random old people called from the house.
Quackity looked at them for a few seconds before going there.
He got to the door,and they stood there with the door open.

Two,actually,three people,a mom,a dad,and some guy he barley saw.
They looked way to polite,it was scary.
Mom:"HIIII! I'm jan! This is my husband ed!"
Quackity:"hey Jan..hi ed"
They smiled.
Mom:"this is our boy Karl,Karl say hello!"
Quackity looked at the "boy" behind the two adults,he was definitely to old to be called "boy".
He looked the same age,the same hieght too,or atleast that's what Quackity told himself.

He was really pretty too..a dark red sweater with a white collar underneath,preppy.
Literally,cause his shirt had a "Pennsylvania prep" logo on it,the boarding school/college he'd be attending soon.
He had nice brown hair,It went in all possible directions,a bit confusing?
But he had a very nice smile,and he looked shy.
Quackity knew he was gonna like this guy.
His dad lightly pushed him.
Karl:"um- g-greetings! Welcome to our home..!"

He said awkwardly.
Quackity scoffed.
Mom:"come in! come in!"
She hurried him inside.
They continued to talk a bit as Quackity took off his shoes
The parents then went to the kitchen and let Karl take him up to his room.
Quackity entered after Karl.
He looked around,a bit cramped,bunk beds on each side of the room and a fat TV with an old Nintendo connected to it.

Quackity felt weird being here,but I guess it was a nice little room.
Karl closed the door and sat down on his bed.
Quackity awkwardly looked at Him.
Karl:"you can put your clothes in the wardrobe over there,I'd suggest you keep the rest in your suit case for when you go to Pennsylvania prep in a week"
Quackity looked over to where he pointed.
Quackity:"okay..thanks man"
Karl smiled,this was awkward..
Quackity put his suitcase on the bed and started putting his folded,mostly black clothes in the wardrobe.

Quackity:"so,how old are ya?"
Karl:"I'm 20"
Quackity turned around baffled.
Quackity:"your older than me?!"
Karl:"your younger than me?"
They looked at each other for a few seconds.
Quackity turned back to the closet.
Quackity:" 19.."
Karl:" are you here?"
Quackity:"uhh,pretty personal question for someone who just got here,huh.."
Karl shrugged.
Karl:"we're gonna be bunking together for a while,I'm just asking..."

Quackity sighed.
Quackity:"well,I'm here because my parents didn't want me in the system while they went to rehab in another"
Karl:"oh..well im sorry to hear that,I wish them luck"
Quackity:"yeah,thanks or...whatever.."
Like I said,awkward.
Karl looked at him.
Quackity looked back at him and scoffed.
Quackity:"uhh,what makes you ask that?"
Karl:"my parents are religious,if you are gay I heavily suggest you hide it..along with masturbation,pornography, know what I mean.."

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