scientist obliterated by pizza delivery man (karlity) ♻️

389 12 6

Karl x Quackity
Song: wet sounds
I was thinking about going out of my comfort zone a bit by mixing stuff like fantasy,some more..interesting kinks like breeding..uh,I don't personally like it but if you guys want me to write smt like that I'll try my best to deliver💝
Original prompt:
Scientist Karl gets pounded by mail man in outer space
What I ended up writing: scientist Karl get absolutely obliterated by pizza delivery man Quackity after he accidentally turned on his sex machine

Karl was in his lab,it was an exciting night.
Well,it was an exciting day In his lab,that was in the edge of the woods on a hill.
Karl was a scientist,and he was working on a very important project.
Well the name was a work in progress,but the premise of the machine was to give you the best climax ever.

No other toy,human,whatever can match,just this machine.
Karl was a weird guy who graduated from Harvard and had nothing to do.
So he built a lab in the middle of the woods and spent his time making a sex machine,i mean,what would you do?
It's been about a year and his machine seemed to finally be finished,after a few failed attempts and prototypes,it was finally ready.
Karl sat down on the floor of the empty test room,and started to take off his clothes.

Quackity pov.

Quackity:"stupid minimum wage fucking delivery Job..."
Quackity mumbled as he walked through the woods,it was dark outside and his job definitely didn't pay him enough to walk through the woods in Air Force ones,let alone to that crazy scientist lab.
He dragged his feet up the hill and got to the scientist place.
It looked complex,really out of place in the woods and at the edge of a cliff,like someone took a house from the year 3000 and teleported it to a random place on earth.

Quackity opened the gate and walked up to the door.
Quackity was actually one of the very few people who wasn't scared of Karl.
Well,if he wasn't the only one.
He's been his regular pizza delivery guy for the past 3 months,and Karl ordered pizza every Friday.
He was actually a pretty alright dude,a little awkward but Quackity didn't know him enough to really mind.
The town called him "dofenschmirtz",wich was pretty funny since he did kinda act like professor dofenschirtz from phinease and ferb.

He tipped Quackity well and always let him use his bathroom,wich was fun because he had all these fun gadgets in there.
Self cleaning toilet,a mirror that could blow dry and comb your hair,pretty neat.
So Quackity usually didn't have a problem talking to karl,he actually found him insanely interesting....but he was an asshole for ordering pizza at 11PM on that dumb fucking hill.
Quackity rang the door bell.
Quackity:"open up,dork!"

Quackity knocked on the door,the pizza was probably already cold by now.
Quackity sighed and banged on the door again.
Quackity:"hey megamind,your Peperoni Pizzas here!!"
No answer.
Quackity rolled his eyes annoyed.
If he didn't deliver this pizza,they were gonna take the 11,34$ out of his paycheck,and he really wanted that new weed strain,so I guess he just had to break in.
Quackity rattled the doorknob,it opened.
Guess it wasn't really breaking in?...

Quackity went inside,so modern and everything...he's been Inside before but only to use the bathroom,so he decided to let curiosity take over and started to explore.
Quackity:"Karl!! Are you there?!"
He called out,nothing.
Only his sleeping cat on its bed in the corner of the living room.
Quackity looked around,there was some type of mechanical set up next to the living room.
Like something you'd see in an airplane or dexters laboratory.

Quackity went over to the place that intrigued him the most,the spinny chair.
He sat down on the white chair and spun around.
This is fun?
Quackity stopped and looked down to see a bunch of colorful buttons.
"Orgasmic project 6.0 2023"
Whatever that meant.
Was on a plain folder,but that was boring.
Quackity hovered his finger over the fun buttons,trying to figure out which one would be the most fun to press.

"Full speed,level 10"

That sounds fun.
Quackity made a childish sound as he pressed it.
Loud moans started coming from the door,he couldn't see what was going on because the glass was tinted white.
Quackity:"WHAT THE FUCK?"
There were wet sounds along with some sort of mechanics.
Not to mention,Karl's very loud and insanely lewd moaning.
Quackity frantically looked around the many buttons.

"Turn off machine"

He quickly pressed it.
There was a loud thud and a wet "pulling out" sound.
He heard Karl breath heavily.
Quackity stood up and ran to the door before opening it.
Quackity:"Karl! Are you okay?! what happened?!"
Karl:"GET OUT!"
Quackity closed the door,nevertheless before he did he saw Karl on the floor,his ass in the air in a puddle of what Quackity assumed to be suspiciously thick milk and corny syrup.

Quackity nervously stood outside the door while he heard rusting.
A few seconds later karl came out with a robe on.
Karl:"what the hell were you thinking?! You can't just touch my equipment!"
He was still out of breath.
Quackity:"I'm REALLY sorry! The buttons looked so fun man?!"
Karl sighed and looked at him before he sat down on his chair.
He took a deep breath.

Quackity:"i don't know what the fuck happened but I'm sorry-"
Karl:"it's fine man,i was gonna turn it on anyways i just...wasn't ready..."
Quackity:"what is that thing? We're those tentacles?-"
Karl:"it's a...very complex human climax machine-"
Quackity:"so it's just a huge sex toy?"
Karl:"it's NOT a huge sex toy! Do you know how long I've worked on this?! It's highly complex!"
Quackity:"did you finish?"

Karl looked at him confused for a few seconds.
He was about to make some dumb comment like "get the fuck out of my house" but..
Quackity did seem more experienced than him,so maybe he could help.
Quackity scoffed.
Quackity:"Not to highly complex now huh?"
Karl:"s-shut ended it to early..."
Quackity:"wanna go again?"
Karl looked up at him embarrassed before he shook his head.

Quackity tilted his head.
Quackity:"hey why don't you just go outside and get some pussy like a normal person?"
Karl:"it's not that easy.."
Quackity:"oh right,your gay...uhhh,just go to a gay bar man? People LOVE femboys like
Karl:"I'm?!- what the hell is a femboy?"
Quackity looked at him.
Quackity:"you really don't know what a femboy is?"
Karl shook his head,embarrassed again,i guess he didn't like feeling stupid.

Or maybe he did? His cheeks were red so that could mean one of two things...
Quackity:"it's a guy,who's feminine...? Dude you graduated early from Harvard how do you not know this-"
Karl:"I'm not a lot.."
Quackity shrugged and looked around.
Quackity:"but you have All these high tech monitors?"
Karl:"yeah? Their obviously to track the activity in outer space?"
Quackity looked down at him and scoffed.

Karl looked up at him.
Karl:"your you have any..
Karl rolled his eyes and looked away.
Karl:"to make this stupid machine work better or whatever..."
He blurted out,annoyed that he had to call his own machine stupid.
Although,Quackity wasn't the one who said it.
Quackity:"well sex is more than stimulation,
You need shit like foreplay..after care,you know,stuff that make people feel like it means something...maybe so they don't come out of your weird sex machine feeling filthy,they might've had the best orgasm you can get but feels unnatural"

Quackity:"yeah,like,if we had sex right now,
This would be considered foreplay....if I'm turning you on,that is.."
Karl discreetly pushed his legs together.
Quackity was so much smarter than him it made him feel degraded,and for some reason really turned on..
Karl:"do you wanna go Into the machine?"
Quackity:"what does it do,shoot tentacles out of the floor,lift you up and roughly fuck all of your holes?"
Quackity joked,but Karl's face was dead serious.

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