Two friends,one blunt (karlity) ♻️

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Karl x Quackity
Writing chapters when half asleep is half good half bad but I'll just end up spamming a whole page of mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Karl and Quackity get high and zesty🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

Quackity was in his bed.
It was night,around 11PM,his room was dark and he was bored.
Karl was supposed to be there but he was running late,wich Kinda bummed Quackity out.
While it gave him some extra time to order the pizza for the munchies their gonna have later,
It meant Quackity had to wait to get high.
He had one thick blunt,pre rolled and smelling like lavender.
He drabbled some in there while Rolling his few blunts for the month,knowing it would smell better and make karl happy.

He was excited for karl to come over,but again..he was LATE.
Quackity Took the brown blunt and got the lighter from his nightstand.
He flicked twice before lighting the joint.
He inhaled and laid back.
"Sorry im Late!"
Karl Said as he came Into Quackitys purple lit room,the rustling of his keys not even startling Quackity.
Quackity opened his eyes,an angel sent from heaven.

Karl:"heyyy why are you starting without me?"
Karl chuckled,making sure he closed the door before going inside and laying next to Quackity.
Quackity:"sorry...just really in the mood for some top dollar indica right now.."
Quackity snarled.
Karl rearranged some pillows,making sure he's more comfortable for these next few hours of bliss.
Karl:"top Dollar huh? Let me try"
Quackity Passed the blunt to Karl,already off his Rockers.

Karl took a Hit,feelings his veins turn a pale blue as the drug got into his lung.
He lightly coughed,exhaling the smoke.
Karl:"Jesus- this shits good..."
Quackity:"I know Right?"
Karl laughed as he passed Quackity the joint back,he grabbed a slice of the pizza and ate it,
It was one of those fresh pizzas where the cheese was savory and stretchy,the perfect one,
But that might just be the weed talking.
Karl:"you gotta try this pizza dude...AH~"
Karl moaned as a joke.

Quackity laughed at him.
Quackity:"your so Gay.."
He tried to hide his interest,but I guess Karl was too naive to notice anyway,right?
Karl looked at him take a hit,exhale the very large amount of white smoke blowing through his mouth,that "tired but will still eat out your girlfriend" look on his face..
Karl turned to him.
Karl:"this is Bad timing but..your really fuckin hot when you smoke.."
Quackity smirked at him.
Quackity:"Must be the weed,hm?..."

Karl wanted to say "no it definitely isn't,your fuckin Hot man." But that might've been a Bit to much.
Quackity:"..guess you could say I'm a real 'smoke show' huh!"
Quackity joked,Karl laughed at his terrible joke for whatever reason.
Quackity passed him the blunt.
Quackity:"speaking of Show,where were you just now?...why are you late to my fuckin..
Tea Party"
Quackity said,making yet another terrible joke.
Get it? TEA party? Tea is from LEAFS? Weed is also from LEAFS??

Karl took a deep hit as Quackity munched on the pizza.
Karl:"was just a bit stressed..In a rush you know? I'd lose my Head if it wasn't attached to my body..."
Quackity looked at Karl Stare at the celling.
Quackity:"is this a 'crying on your shoulder while getting Blazer' type of night?..."
Karl shook his head.
Karl:"nah...just stressed,you know? Just wish I knew how to get rid of it.."
Quackity gasped loudly like he just had an epiphany.

Karl looked at him confused.
Karl shrugged.
Karl scoffed and looked at him unimpressed.
Quackity:"dude im telling you! I went to this spa place last week,and seriously ever since I went there I've been sooo relaxed"
Karl smiled at Quackity,he loved when he'd get These random outbursts and starts talking about random shit,it was nice,and entertaining.

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