Who would do this? (Karlity) 🃏💠

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Karl x Quackity
(Emotional) Fluff💠 angst🃏
Song: the blonde - Tv girl (or any song by tv girl tbh)
I Like this chapter,

Quackity was at twitch con,it was day one and he was at the after party.
A bunch of streamers were there and just having fun,getting drunk and talking about who's ass they could probably kick.
Quackity was at a Table,it's was pretty fun,nice music,people he liked,he wasn't being completely awkward,he was socializing!
Well,until he got to proud and started looking for someone to tell.
He couldn't tell George because he'd just tell him to shut up or something,he had to tell karl.

He could've sworn he saw Karl a minute ago?
He said he was getting a drink but was probably distracted by so many people talking to him or asking him stuff.
Fair enough,but enough of that,where was he so I can brag?
Quackity looked around the LED lit room,
he heard a glass shattering.
People turned their heads to the bar,making Quackity looked too,it was Karl,but there were too many people to tell who he was with.
But he saw Karl swipe a bottle from the bar and leave out of the door.

People murmured confused,Quackity was confused too.
By now people went back to their usual doings but corpse left too,presumably to go after Karl when Quackity was just about to stand up.
Quackity sat down and sighed,wanting to go after Karl too but not wanting to overstimulate him.
He got out his phone to text him.

Karl (#1 homie hopper)❤️

Hey you okay? What happened?


Karl typed,but the bubble then disappeared.
Quackity sighed and laid back in his booth.
The next 35 minutes were just him watching other people have fun,staying in the same position,just so he could later confront Karl.
But it's been enough time,Quackity stood up and made him way to Karl's hotel room.
Corpse has probably already comforted him,
Their probably cuddling while watching a show on the hotel Tv right now?!
Quackity felt bad for thinking this,since it wasn't about him but...it was supposed to be him? He was supposed to comfort him,and Karl was supposed to lay in HIS arms tonight.

Maybe corpse left by now,Quackity thought to himself as he got to Karl's door.
It was quiet.
He took a deep breath before he knocked.
A few seconds passed until he heard a pretty quiet "come in".
Quackity slowly opened the door.
The room was dark,what the hell was going on?
Corpse was shirtless,laying on his stomach on one side of the bed,and Karl was sitting at the edge on the other side,a bottle of fireball next to him.

He was shirtless too,but wore sweatpants,
He was attaching stickers to his hand.
Quackity looked around.
Quackity:"is this a bad time...?"
Karl Ushered him in so Quackity closed the door.
Quackity went over to karl and sat down on the floor.
He said in an unsure voice.
Karl continued to place stickers around his hand.

Quackity looked around,sorry but,corpse was sleeping,they were both shirtless and honestly Karl looked like he just got railed.
His messy hair was enticing,but confusing.
He was a mess,so was the bed,Karl was obviously not in the right headspace.
Quackity:"...you wanna tell me what happened?.."
Karl scoffed and ran his colorful hand through his hair.
Karl:"Im not too sure..."
Karl said quietly before he took another swig of the alcohol.

He squinted as he swallowed the sour drink and put it back down.
Karl:"I was at the party..something happened,
I dropped my glass,ran out and then I fucked corpse In my hotel room."
He said bluntly,Quackitys eyes widened.
Karl?? Gay?? Well I shouldn't act surprised.
But still,he didn't know? And him with corpse?
Alcohol? Stickers? Sexual attraction? This was all so much.
Karl looked at Quackity.
Karl:"you think I'm disgusting..I see it In your eyes.."

He said,weirdly angelic.
He sounded like an angel.
Quackity:"no! Ofcourse i don't think your disgusting,I just wanted to know what happened..."
Karl chuckled and laid down on his stomach,
His head resting on his arms.
Quackity:"you wanna hear my theory?"
Karl nodded,paying slightly more attention to his hand.
Quackity:"I think,moments before you dropped that glass,you got a call from outer space! People telling you that space aliens kidnapped your best friend Quackity! Who is also very handsome"
Karl laughed.

Quackity:"and obviously,you love your bff Quackity,so you go to your hotel room to get your secret laser gun,but you see corpse..on the bed..shirtless!"
Karl gasped,invested in the story.
Quackity:"and he goes 'Karl...we have to fuck to save your awesome best friend from the demonic space aliens!' In that crazy deep voice,and who could say no to that?!"
Karl laughed some more at Quackitys terrible corpse impression.
Karl:"oh so it was all for you?"
Quackity:"it was all for me Baby"

Karl tried to stop laughing,but he was happy,
He knew he'd probably go back to being distraught in a minute but right now,he was just happy Quackity accepted him as the shirtless drunk mess he was.
Quackity laughed along,it started off as a smile because Karl smiled,but he couldn't help but join in.
Karl calmed down a bit,running his hands through his hair and looking down.
Quackity stopped laughing too.
Karl sighed and buried his face in his hands.
Karl:"fuck Quackity..."

Karl groaned,it sounded like he was about to cry.
Karl:"why does everything go downhill,so fucking fast...."
Quackity looked at him,he was such a mess..
He was vulnerable,he's never seen this side of Karl before.
He's never seen 'not happy and giggly socially awkward' Karl before,sure Karl was mad sometimes,but even then he'd try not to raise his voice because he'd probably trigger himself.
Sure Karl was upset sometimes,sure Karl was 'not PG' a lot,he was an adult,but this was a whole different level of seeing someone this distraught.

Quackity wanted to ask,"Karl,is this rock bottom for you?",but maybe that wouldn't have the affect on him that he was hoping for.
Karl:"this really is rock bottom,isn't it..."
Karl said looking at him,I guess he could stop himself from crying,for now.
The timing was uncanny.
Quackity shrugged.
Quackity:"i don't know"
He said honestly,Karl saw the look on his face,
Concerned and worried,what now?
Karl:"am I making you uncomfortable..."
Quackity smiled and shook his head.

Quackity:"the only thing that you are unable to do.."
Karl scoffed and looked away.
Karl:"tomorrow it'll go away,this feeling of being eaten from the inside will disappear,I'll go back to being happy and polite,I'll remember how much people love me..."
It kinda sounded like he was telling himself affirmations.
Karl:"you know,this is exactly why I fail to strive by myself...I need people around me..
That's why I decided to call corpse to fuck my Brains out."
He thought out loud as he put the abandoned bottle of alcohol on the floor.

Karl yawned and wiped his eyes.
Karl:"..I'm tired.."
Quackity weakly smiled.
Karl sat up,this wasn't the best time to mention this but he looked- no,not the time.
He yawned again.
Quackity:"you mind if I stay here?...we could cuddle and talk some more..or just do whatever.."
Karl:"only if you let me bedazzle something on your body.."
Quackity sighed and nodded.

Quackity:"as Long as it isn't my dick.."
Karl smiled and moved to the back of the bed,
Quackity joined him and got in bed next to him.
Karl looked at him.
Karl:"you are very pretty-"
Quackity:"you are not gonna fuck me,Karl."
He said that line trying not to laugh.
Karl rolled his eyes.
Karl:"whatever,be homophobic,I don't care.."
Quackity pushed him with his shoulder making him laugh.
Quackity moved a bit closer to Karl,since there wasn't that much space.

Karl got his sticker sheets and Quackity got the laptop from the nightstand next to him.
He opened it and went on YouTube.
Quackity:"funny dog videos 2022 (hilarious) (six laughing emojis) ?!"
He read out loud.
Karl cheered.
Karl:"let's watch!"
Quackity chuckled and played the video.
Karl started taking stickers and attaching them to Quackitys face.

Quackity:"the face? Really? is this what happens when the therapist friend finally vents?"
He said quoting some stupid meme he shared with Karl a few weeks ago,hoping he'd remember.
Karl scoffed.
Karl:"shhhh,it's my turn to be happy,Quackity"
Quackity didn't respond,instead he just looked at him and faintly smiled,Karl smiled back and continued covering one half of his face with childish stickers.

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