Still friends? (karlity) 💠

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Karl x Quackity
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Love you guys❤️☺️‼️
Karl has mood swings after Quackity broke up w him,this chapter had potential but im in a slump rn sooo 😔

Karl was getting ready for an event.
A YouTube dinner party thing,its like an after party for steamers except twitch con was months ago or something.
Karl was fixing his fly in the mirror.
He smiled,excited to hang out with his friends
He's been bummed out lately because-
Karl phone buzzed,Quackity??
Karl quickly picked it up,he sighed,it was just duolingo...

He put his phone in his pocket and went to the living.
He did a little spin in his suit for his loving audience.
George:"Karl you look terrible."
Austin shoved George.
Austin:"shut up? Karl you look like a shining star,we ready to go?"
George:"i can't believe your wearing THAT to see Quackity for the first time since the breakup"

Sapnap and Austin slapped George over the head,George laughed.
Karl immediately ran back into his room and took off his tuxedo jacket.
"Cmon Karl were late! You look fine!"
Karl rummaged around in his closet for his red sweater,he put it on,grabbed his jacket as a spare and went back to the living room.
Karl:"you guys ready to go?"
He said as he quickly put on his converse.
Sapnap:"please don't stress about this-"
Karl:"im not,lets just go"

Karl grabbed his keys and power walked to his car,obviously pumped up.
The guys followed him and got in the car.
Karl put the location in his GPS and started driving,completely calm..
Sapnap:"...this is probably a bad time but is it alright if I call Quackity on your car?"
Karl smiled.
Honestly,everyone was scared of Karl right now.
Sapnap called Quackity.
Sapnap:"hey Quackity so-"
Karl:"oh cmon,put him on speaker!"
Oh my god.

Austin:"im scared.."
Sapnap awkwardly pressed the AirPlay button and connected the call to Karl's car.
Quackity:"what's up?"
Karl smiled widely.
Sapnap:"so Quackity..i was thinking for the stream later,I got this idea-"
Quackity:"uh huh"
Sapnap:"that we-"
Karl:"hi Quackity!"
Karl loudly interrupted,desperate to talk to him.
Quackity gasped on the phone.

Quackity:"hey karlll,what's up,you excited for the event?"
Karl:"you know- you know I got an idea too! Its kinda silly so I don't know if you wanna hear it"
Everyone in the car heard that Karl was setting him up.
Quackity:"oh my god,Karl hit me!"
Karl laughed.
Karl:"alright so,how abouttt you go sit in the middle of a busy road and wait until a car hits you!"
Sapnap:"oh my god.."
George:"ooohh,get him"
Quackity laughed,it sounded sincere.

Quackity:"good one man,I'll take it into consideration"
Karls smiled faded and he hung up.
Karl:"stupid fuckin..queer"
Austin laughed.
Karl couldn't help but laugh at himself too.
Karl:"Christ..almost there.."
George:"hey why'd you change?"
Karl looked at George in the mirror for a second.
Karl:"this is his favorite shirt"
He said under his breath in a "definitely effortless" voice.

The car snickered.
A few minutes later they eventually arrived at the building.
Karl checked his hair,and went inside with the others,definitelyyy not nervous.
The setting was nice..fancy..but where was quackity,Karl wouldn't admit it but he missed him..
"Hey guys!"
Quackity Said as he joined the four who were at the buffet.
Karl looked him up and down,pretending to judge him when he was thinking about him kissing him again.
The group said hello to him,Karl crossed his arms and looked away.

Quackity:"hello Karl,you look very nice today..
I like your sweater"
Karl smirked arrogantly at George behind him,
Basically saying "he wants me fr".
George nodded.
Quackity:"is that a new perfume?"
He said ruffling his hair,Karl put his hands on his head trying to stop him as he got red.
He loved it when Quackity touched his head or his hair,ofcourse Quackity was using it "against him" now.
He pushed Quackity hand away as Quackity laughed.
Karl:"go drown.."

Quackity lightly shoved him with his elbow as he smirked.
So silly,he was so so so silly,that dumb smirk..
Karl rolled his eyes and looked away so he wouldn't nut right then and there.
The group talked to Quackity,Karl still ignoring him.
He couldn't get his voice out of his head,maybe that was because he was talking right now but still...
His laugh..his laid back look like he was completely fine,so annoying but so hot..
Karl:"don't you have to go mingle of something?"

Quackity:"uhh,don't you?"
Karl:"excuse me?"
Quackity:"I was kidding!..sorry.."
Quackity quickly said before Karl could punch him.
Karl rolled his eyes,their friends were just enjoying the show.
Karl looked at Quackity talk, and talk..
Karl felt his eyes get watery,the longer he looked at him the more he realized he hasn't held him in what felt like years.

His beautiful smile,his hair looked like it grew,
His posture and the way he talked reminded him of a sales man."
Karl sniffed and just decided to make a run for it.
He lightly shoved Quackity as he squeezed through the small space where the wall he leaned on was and Quackity.
Karl honestly wasn't sure where he was going,
He was walking towards a door.
He opened it and walked up the stairs,a few seconds later he was in the roof parking lot.

Karl walked over to the edge and sat down,
Bringing his knees up to his chest as he sobbed.
He buried his head in his arms.
How could he leave me? How could he ruin something so perfect? What kinda Idiot...
Karl wiped his tears before looking up.
Karl sniffed as he looked back down.
Quackity sat down next to him on the pavement.

Quackity:"im sorry for making that joke...I just want us to be friends until-"
Karl:"until what lex?! Your not fucking coming back!"
Quackity:"ofcourse i am!"
Karl wiped his tears from the raise of voice.
Quackity:"I told you I needed a break to focus on school-"
Karl:"yeah well!-..."
Karl sniffed,knowing he had nothing to say.
Karl:"...I support that...but...I hate this..I hate not being with you-"

Quackity:"me too! Karl you know how much I miss you falling asleep on my shoulder? You making me baked potato because thats the only thing you know how to make? I miss kissing you..."
Karl:"then why didn't you just say you needed space to concentrate?-"
Quackity:"Karl.thats what a break is..."
Karl looked at him.
Karl:"sh- shut up man? Stop acting all smart..?"
Karl said annoyed,Quackity laughed.
Karl looked at him.
Karl:"..will you still love me when you comeback..if you do"
Quackity put his hand on his shoulder.

Quackity:"I'll Still love you in a minute,a day,
A week,whatever...Karl im inlove you with you."
Karl looked away.
Quackity:"this isn't me trying to move on,this is me taking time for my finals so I can give both of my priorities the attention they deserve"
Karl frowned as he laid his head on his chest.
Quackity put his arm around him.
Quackity:"exams are over in two weeks...Karl were on a break for three weeks..its honestly not that bad-"
Karl:"I knowww,im just..bored.."

Karl sat up looked at Karl.
Quackity:"you could come over? I mean..
I still have a little time-"
Karl slapped him.
Karl laughed.
Karl:"you asshole? Your really inviting me over to your place because you have 'a liTtlE tIme' ??"
Quackity:"alright,I deserve that.."

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