Nightmare (karlity) 🃏

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Karl x Quackity
Angst🃏 then some comfort fluff💠
Song: Francis forever - mitski (fucking finally omg)
Happy pride month everyone,I know what you ALL are.....lady Gaga,amirite??🏳️‍🌈

Quackity was in his bed,it was late at night and the room was pitch black.
He was slowly waking up for,whatever reason.
He groaned and rubbed his eyes,the lower half of his body staying completely still.
He squinted,you could see a little bit due to the moon shining through the window over his headboard.
The sound of the ceiling fan spinning was the only noise in the room.

It felt euphoric,Quackity took about 2 minutes just staring at the celling.
His limbs eventually started to feel numb so he moved.
He was about to go back to sleep but not without Karl.
He lightly smiled to himself before he rolled to his side and wrapped his arms around him.
He closed his eyes,ready for the scent of Karl's hair to make him sleep but Karl moved.
Quackity opened his eyes and yawned.

Quackity:"didn't know you were awake...yeah?"
Karl:"what are you doing?"
Quackity looked confused.
Quackity:" Uh,do you not want to?"
Karl:"take your hands off me,please"
Quackity quickly took his hands off and backed away.
Quackity:"sorry,my usually love it when I do that,is everything okay?"
Karl looked at him.

Karl:"why would I love it?"
Was this a prank?
Quackity looked worried,his heart sped up.
Karl:"what makes you think I love it?"
Quackity couldn't see much,but he could definitely see a confused look on his face.
Quackity:"um...w-we're together? Your usually the one spooning me I-I don't understand-"
Quackity was starting to get nervous,he was scared,he's been scared this day would come.
The day Karl just no longer loved him.

Karl:"Quackity...what do you mean 'together'..?"
He said disturbed.
Quackity felt his heart rate increases as his face started to heat up.
He wanted to cry and run away.
Quackity:"I.....I don't understand?-"
Karl:"Quackity,no offense but what makes you think I like you? Let alone love you..."
This was it,Quackitys eyes started to water.
Karl scoffed.

Karl:"your fine and all but...I really don't like you like that..I mean,I have so many options,
So many people that would love me better than you..I just don't see how you wouldn't get that?"
Quackity wiped his eyes,but it was to late.
Quackity:"k-Karl im sorry-"
Karl:"Are you crying? Your seriously crying over this? Jesus Christ- how fucking lonely are you?!"
Quackity cried into his palm,he pulled his legs to his chest as Karl laughed at him.

He couldn't stop,he just couldn't stop crying.
Out of nowhere,Quackity was a 8 year old again,crying because the kids pushed him off the swing set,laughing in his face because it "wasn't that serious".
Karl's laughing echoed in his head,over and over and over again.
Quackity gasped.
What happened?
He shot up in his bed,he looked around while frantically breathing.

Same room,but the laughing stopped.
Sweat ran down his back and chest.
The breathing didn't get easier,he was scared,
So scared.
He gripped his chest,somehow trying to stop his heart from beating so fast but nothing worked.
He heard Karl say tiredly.
He couldn't look,He felt tears In his eyes again.
His other hand covered his eyes as he started to sob.

Karl sat up and put his hand on his shoulder.
Karl:"w-what happened? Why are you crying??"
He said worried.Quackity hid his face in his hands shamefully as he cried.
Quackity:"please don't leave me..p-please.."
Karl put Quackitys head on his chest,Quackity pulled his legs up to him again as Karl held him.
Karl:"hey your okay....your okay.."
He lightly stroked his hair,Quackity cried into his shirt and held into him like he was scared he'll run away.

Karl:"everything's fine,your safe here...I promise,nothing is going to happen to you..."
Quackity:"k-Karl I h—had this d-dream I—I—"
Karl:"hey it's okay,just copy my breathing okay? We will talk in a second,I just need you you to calm down lex,can you do that?"
Quackity nodded.
Karl:"okay,breath in.."
Karl said slowly,watching Quackity try to copy him.
But he was breathing so fast,and he was sobbing,he tried his best to copy Karl.

Karl:"breathe out.."
He gently held Quackitys head against his chest as he slowly breathed out.
Quackity was getting better.
They kept on doing this until Karl got quieter and quieter,letting Quackity do it himself.
After about 2 minutes,Quackitys breathing was back to normal.
Karl waited a little longer.
Karl:"are you okay?"
He said softly.
Quackity nodded.

Karl:"do you wanna lay down?"
Quackity nodded again.
Karl slowly lowered himself down until they hit the mattress again.
Karl put his head and hand on his chest.
Quackity sniffed.
Karl:"do you wanna tell me what happened?.."
Quackity:"nightmare...I'm sorry.."
Karl:"don't apologize,it happens to everyone.."
Quackity:"I'm an adult.."
Karl:"so? Quackity,it Happens,your Fine.."
Quackity sighed.

There were a few seconds of silence.
Quackity:"do you still love me?"
Karl:"what? Ofcourse i love you?"
Quackity closed his eyes,trying not to start crying again.
Quackity:"I-I had this dream and you- you said you didn't love me and we're not together
Quackity stopped rambling.
Karl looked up at him.

Karl:"I've always loved you...and I'll never stop loving you,your perfect.....I..I'm so fucking thankful that you chose me! Out of all people you could date! You chose the..socially awkward loser who's 24 and doesn't get laid,
Watched every single Barbie movie over 10 times,hasn't had a day of comfort In his life?-"
Quackity:"yeah but you know I love you...
You love everyone and chose me for some reason,I..hate almost every and chose you"
Karl looked at him.
Karl:"that's the same thing?"

Quackity sighed.
Quackity:"i don't know man....I just..don't understand how you could love me"
Karl:"well that's fine,it's not your job to's mine,I love you,you love me,
We're good? We're Gucci-"
Quackity:"Karl,don't say we're gucci."
Karl:"it's funny?!-"
Quackity put a pillow over his head.
Karl laughed and threw it off,Quackity had to join in.
Karl sat up and looked at him.

He smiled.
Karl:"your so fucking beautiful..."
Quackity wanted to cringe,but instead his cheeks got red,which he would never admit.
Quackity:"don't talk to me like that twink,
that's my thing?"
Karl laughed
He kissed Quackity quickly got a few seconds before he pulled away.
Karl:"are you tired?"
Quackity:",not anymore.."
He said,for some reason Karl kissing him never fails to amaze him.

Karl sat up.
Karl:"wanna watch a happy movie?"
Quackity nodded and sat up too.
Karl smiled and turned on the Tv.
Quackity:"i Wanna Watch Trolls"
Karl:"whatever you want...also trolls is a great movie"
Quackity smiled.
There were a few seconds of silence while Karl searched the movie on Netflix.

Not awkward,just silence.
Karl:" know...I know this might not be the best time to say this but you should really lay off the weed,I think it's making you
Quackity groaned as he put his head on his shoulder.

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