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By the time Sao'Nae had said goodbye to Neytiri and Jake, it was hardly any more than early morning. The dark haired girl held gently to Tuk's hands and showed the child shortcuts through the make-shift streets, explaining the rich and vibrant history of her people all the meanwhile. Everything Sao'Nae said became stuck in Tuk's head like a flash drive, downloading every bit of wisdom the teenage Tsahìk had to offer her with vigor. Like a sea sponge in a low puddle.

Lo'ak didn't seem as interested as his siblings though...not yet at least.

"The Marui can last many many years. They have lived through many a storms. Some of the storms were so strong they could knock Ikran from the sky and send them toppling into the sea. Waves so high they ruptured mountains like shells beneath your feet." The girl said, raising her hands and wiggling her fingers, "Whooooosh!" She exasperated, waving dramatically to the child in an effort to showcase what she meant. Pretending to be a wave.

Tuk giggled excitedly, "No way! Even the mountains?!" She shouted, to which Sao'Nae nodded.

"Even the mountains!" She assured, "Sent them straight to the ancient cities of the Metkayina ancestors! Ikran are truthfully not very useful in the reefs."

Lo'ak crossed his arms and grinned, "What are you talking about, man? Ikran are too strong to be taken down by water." He proclaimed as if it were basic knowledge. Sao'Nae looked him up and down, glancing over her shoulder.

"Not just any water. Water as heavy as mud slab and twice as large! They being the size of an Ilu's calf's eye! Weighing as much as a pound per drop!" Sao'Nae explained, "Being out during a storm such as that is harrowing for a Ikran. Only Toruk Makto has hope of flying in such weather! But even still, the Awa'atlu Marui still stand as if no such thing happened! We weave them strongly with many differing plant fibers often found near the shore---"

Lo'ak became quiet as the group made it to the beach, Tsireya, Ao'nung, and Rotxo all standing in wait. Sao'Nae smirked and gestured to the others, switching to a different topic as they approached her group, " Told you I'd get them Reya!" She said as she raised Tuk's arm in success.

Ao'nung rolled his eyes, "Took you long enough." He grumbled.

Sao'Nae gave him a pointed look before turning to the children, only once she was placed firmly beside her siblings and Rotxo did she speak.

"So, today we are going for a swim in the reefs." She smiled, "Nothing more and nothing less. To ensure you don't get lost, I'm going to assign pairs. Lo'ak, you're with my baby sister Tsireya. Kiri, you are with Rotxo. Tuk, you are with Ao'nung. Neteyam, you're with me."

Neteyam fought off a smile as he looked at Sao'Nae. Sao'Nae merely rolled her eyes at his absolute obviousness and turned to her siblings and friend, "For starters we'll all stick together, there is no need to sperate so early. But everyone is in charge of keeping the Sully's from getting lost, clear?"

Ao'nung huffed and nodded, "Yes, father." He said, a taut clear in his voice.

Sao'Nae rolled her eyes and glared, "Skxawng! Stop being difficult!" She ordered in a harsh whisper, hoping the others were too busy talking to notice. Ao'nung gave Sao'Nae a look.

"I don't want to be here." He whispered shouted, leaning in closer to his twin, "I should be hunting with the other men, yet here I am babysitting tree monkeys with you."

Sao'Nae punched her brothers bare chest, "Stop being rude." She begged, hoping the others hadn't heard him. Slurs were not necessary.

"I am not being---"

You will fall (Neteyam x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now