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By the time Neteyam and Sao'Nae had a hand on their duties everyone had noticed the way they stuck to one another like glue. The people watched as the two Na'vi paraded one another like prized shells, their intertwined hands proof of their courtship. Of course everyone knew the rumors that the beloved Tsahik had been taken to the blue skinned boy, but never did they 100% believe it to be true.

You'd think everyone would've caught on after Ronal and Sao'Nae's big fight a few weeks prior.

Neteyam and Sao'Nae weren't subtle about their love for each other. They couldn't hide the way they looked at one another, the way they touched. Everyone saw the way they were always together and the way they held each other like they were the most important thing in the world.

Their relationship was a constant talking point among the people of the Metkayina, and many had begun to believe that Neteyam was not just a Tsahik in training, but also a Tsahik in love.

Neteyam and Sao'Nae's love was something everyone couldn't help talking about. Their passion for each other could be seen from far away, and everyone knew that they were in love. There were even some who claimed that they could see the glow of love in Neteyam's eyes every time he looked at Sao'Nae, and that it was the most beautiful thing in the world.

Ronal was seated on one of the docks, overlooking the ocean with a hand on her stomach. Sao'Nae had caught a glimpse of her as she walked with her hand locked within Neteyam's, but as she saw her mother, quiet and alone---She knew she had to speak to her.

Sao'Nae timidly pulled back her hand, giving Neteyam a final look and caressing his cheek, "I must speak with my mother, Ma'Teyam." She assured quietly, "I'll catch up with you in a bit, yeah?'

Neteyam nodded his head, his eyes full of understanding. "Of course, my love." he said, giving her a squeeze before letting her go. He watched her as she walked away, looking after her with a soft expression on his face. Once he couldn't see her anymore, he turned his attention to the fish swimming by in the ocean, and began to whistle a tune under his breath.

Ronal sat alone on the pier, a small breeze blowing through her hair. She looked out over the ocean, feeling the waves crash against the pier's supports. It had been a rough few days for her, since her fight with Sao'Nae, and she was still feeling emotional about it. But seeing her daughter smile made her heart warm, and she felt a twinge of hope in her chest.

As she sat there, lost in thought, she saw the beautiful, teal skinned girl approach her. She smiled warmly at her, "Hello, Sao'Nae. How are you?" she asked, hoping that her daughter was doing well.

Sao'Nae let out a distant chuff, "I mean. I got shot.'

Ronal nodded, keeping her head low "Yes...Yes I know."

Ronal knew that she had let her anger get the better of her, and that she had said things that she couldn't take back. She also knew that she had hurt her daughter deeply, and that she wasn't sure if she could ever make it up to her. But she was willing to try, and she was willing to do anything to make it right.

"Sao'Nae...I...I want us to be okay." Ronal began, speaking softly so that only her daughter could hear her. "I know that I hurt you, and I am so, so sorry for that. I...I know that it's hard to forgive me, but...I really hope that you can. I want us to go back to how things were. I want us to be mother and daughter, and for there to never be any misunderstandings between us again."

Sao'Nae listened to her mother, and for the first time in a very long time, she felt a warmth spread through her chest. She had always felt a deep connection to her mother, and despite everything that had happened, she still loved her deeply. And so, she reached out to her mother, touching her gently on the shoulder.

You will fall (Neteyam x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now