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When the time finally came, everyone crowded around the beach. Many excited murmurs met the salty air and children watched with awestruck and curiosity. Prominent families like Rotxo's, Sao'Nae's, and now the Sully's all stood beside one another, the other strong warriors standing tall while displaying spears. Eclipse was finally falling before the ocean, the moon rising from the water until it was hung in the sky. Sao'Nae was inside her families hut, she was gathering her things one last time.

She grabbed her dagger and sheaved it on her hip, grabbing her spear as well and holding it in her hand. Behind her stood Ronal, the only one permitted in painting her body since she was the Tsahìk and her mother. The paint was white like stars, the woman making squiggly lines on her face and down Sao'Nae's body until she looked worthy of the term huntress. She was a representation of the waves. Cruel and unforgiving, but beautiful and merciful.

Ronal went to Sao'Nae's chest and place her thumb where her heart was, creating a heart shape right there. The mother smiled softly, " Sao'Nae Te Reyo Ronal'ite. You are strong. You are beautiful. You are welcomed." She said, her voice slightly shaky.

Sao'Nae took a deep breath and repeated, " I am strong. I am beautiful. I am welcomed." The two stared at each other for a moment, their eyes meeting like mirrors. She always did have her mother's eyes. Abruptly Ronal brought her eldest child into a hug, holding the child----well...young lady----close.

" Be safe out there, my little one. Don't be foolish, only hunt what you know you can." Ronal said, " Make sure you eat, and don't stay up too late. And when you find the next village let them know that Ronal said---"

Sao'Nae cupped her mother's face, seeing the tears building up. Ronal was never emotional like this. She was actually very good at keeping stone-face during such times, but right now, Sao'Nae was just enjoying being around her mother. Why is she being so emotional? Sao'Nae wished to ask, though her better judgement got the best of her and she stayed quiet.

" I want no special treatment, Mama. I will hunt and travel just like everyone else." She assured, " When people speak of me, they will speak of Sao'Nae the great warrior, not just Tonowari and Ronal's daughter."

Ronal nodded and held her child's hand to her cheek, giving it a light motherly kiss, " Just promise you'll be good." She begged, closing her eyes tight.

Sao'Nae smiled and nodded, " I promise, mother. I know that Eywa will be good to me and bring me back to you. She will give me knowledge and she will give me strength, just as she always has." She assured, pulling her hand away and standing a bit taller in front of the woman who raised her.

Ronal glanced proudly at her daughter.

Ronal sighed, " Okay. It is time."

As soon as the words left her mouth, drums started outside. Slow and methodic drums. Boom.......boom........boom. The man of the village hit their chests and barred their teeth, obviously confusing a certain group of blue people with their actions. Sao'Nae could tell just by sound what type of dance the warriors were doing, and she almost felt like crying. Ronal put her hand on Sao'Nae's lower back and led her outside, down the path, and onto the beach.

Tonowari was leading the warriors, stomping his feet and hitting his chest, letting out loud grunts and cries. He watched Sao'Nae closely, fighting the urge to smile. Once Ronal and Sao'Nae were standing firmly, their walk having ended, Tonowari hit his chest one more time and held out his tongue.

Sao'Nae chuckled, remembering when she was a child how Tonowari would stick his tongue out at her before tossing her into the ocean. In a way, it feels the same now. The same excitement. The same man.

The girls eyes trailed along the many-many faces, seeing Rotxo standing with an emotionless face. His eyes were wet with unfalling tears, his ears down with evident dismay, but never once did he let a tear trickle.

Next was her family. Tonowari, having finished his dance, stood beside his other two children Ao'nung and Tsireya. Sao'Nae looked at her siblings and felt her heart swell. Ao'nung had a smile on his face, a real smile, one she very rarely saw except for when he was being a dick. Even when Sao'Nae and Ao'nung fought, they were still twins at the end of the day. And they did care for each other. Then her eyes saw Tsireya...Her beautiful baby sister.

Sao'Nae took a deep breath and put her hand to her forward, moving it forward slowly, " I see you, Tsireya. I see you, Ao'nung."

The two did the same gesture in return, " We see you, Sao'Nae."

And finally, she let her eyes fall over the Sully's. Jake and Neytiri, though confused, seemed to also have a tinge of pride on their faces. For why? Sao'Nae was unsure. But when she glanced over even more, a large smile broke onto her face. Neteyam stood beside his parents and watched Sao'Nae closely. His eyes scanned the paint adorning her body. At the braids in her hair. At the weapons she was holding.

Audibly he huffed, " Wow..."

He'd never seen someone so beautiful.

Tuk on the other hand was crying, tears streaming down her cheeks so much that Lo'ak had to pick her up just to soothe her. Kiri just watched with fascination...

Tonowari called everyone's attention and glanced around, " Today starts the Inkimaya of Sao'Nae Te Reyo Ronal'ite, my daughter, and next Tsahìk of Awa'atlu. She will hunt, and when she returns she will get her first tattoo. The tattoo of tìnawri. Of talent." He said, " I know many of us are sad. And some may be scared. But this is the way. Everyone may say there goodbyes, and then she will go to the water..."

People walked over to Sao'Nae and began wishing her luck, but in lightning speed she knew there was one person she wished to speak with. She shook hands at record pace, thanked people with shakes of her head, and when she finally got to Neteyam---she once more wrapped him in a bone crushing hug.

Now that didn't go unnoticed by Ronal and Tonowari.

Neteyam grinned, " Missing me already, my Tanhì?" He teased, tilting his head as he spoke.

Sao'Nae rolled her eyes at his obnoxiously adorable personality and huffed, " I've known you for three weeks, tree-boy. I would never." In an attempt to sound serious she began laughing, " Of course I'm going to miss you Skxawng." 

He laughed with her, looking around skeptically before leaning in close to her ear, " When you come back, we can go for a fly. Maybe visit your little cave." He whispered, " I am going to miss you."

Like any normal teenage girl Sao'Nae's cheeks instantly blushed. She shook her head and backed away, not daring to see his teasing smile or shining golden eyes.

The girl took a deep breath and turned her back, beginning to walk towards the ocean. The water was cold just like it was every night, but this time it felt different. The way it snaked up her legs the further she walked felt different...

She knew that when she returned, she would be different.

She only hoped to Eywa it was a good different.

Eventually the water was up to her neck, and she dove below the surface, calling Sahati and beginning her journey. Away from Awa'atlu. 

You will fall (Neteyam x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now